Fall Conference Proxies and Credentials

The District Fall Conference will be held on November 11-12 in Duluth. On Saturday, November 12, 11-12 PM, the fall business meeting will be held.

The location will be:
Holiday Inn
200 W 1st St
Duluth, MN 55802

One key part of the convention is the semi-annual business meeting.

Club Votes

Each club has two votes. The president and VP Education represent one vote each, for the club’s two votes. The club’s two votes can be represented as follows:

  • Both the president and VP Education attend the business meeting (one vote each).
  • Either the president or VP Education attends the business meeting. Whoever attends automatically can carry the other person’s vote. No proxy is needed for either officer.
  • Another current club member carries the two votes. For another club member (can be a club officer or non-club officer) to carry the two votes, either the president or VP Education must complete and sign the District 6 Proxy Form. The club member must present this signed form to the credentials desk prior to the start of the business meeting.
    • The form must be signed by the current club president or VP Education. No exceptions.
    • No other Toastmaster can represent the club’s votes who is not a member of the club. This includes District leaders (Area Director, Division Director, etc.).

Business Meeting Ballots

To receive the ballot for voting during the business meeting, whoever is representing the club during the business meeting must come to the credentials desk and check in. The location of the credentials desk will be in the lobby near the registration table. Note: the credentials desk will close 30 minutes prior to the business meeting. At that time, no other ballots will be issued, so please plan accordingly.

To receive a ballot as club president or VP Education:

  • Announce yourself to the volunteer at the credentials table with your name and club office.
  • Sign on the line for your club and office.
  • The volunteer will give you the ballot for one vote.
  • Note: If one of you is representing both votes, you will sign the lines for both offices and be given a ballot for two votes.
If another club member is representing the two votes:
  • He or she will first give the proxy form to the credentials desk volunteer.
  • Sign on both lines for the club and officer positions (president and VP Education).
  • The volunteer will give him or her the ballot for two votes.

Number of Votes Per Member

A member can only represent two votes. If a member belongs to multiple clubs, he or she can’t represent both votes for more than one club. He or she can represent one vote for up to two clubs. Please be aware of this if you ask a member to represent your club who belongs to other clubs.

The exception is for the following district leaders: District Director, Club Programming Director, Club Growth Director, Division Director, and Area Director. They can represent one vote for their office and up to two votes total for one or two of their clubs for a total of three votes.


We need a quorum of club votes so that the decisions and votes made during the business meeting can be official. A quorum is 1/3 of total votes available among district clubs of record on November 11, 2016. Currently we have 299 clubs. It’s important to have all club votes represented, so please check with club members who can attend if you cannot. I will announce the total votes represented toward the beginning of the business meeting.

If you have any questions about the business meeting ballot, proxy, or credentialing process, feel free to contact proxy chair, Mary Swanson.