Club Officer List Submissions

Please remember to submit your club officer list to TI Headquarters by the deadline each term, as follows:
Clubs electing officers annually
Online submission: 12:00 midnight, June 30
Fax submission: 12:00 midnight, June 30
Regular mail submission: postmarked June 30 and received @ WHQ by July 7

Clubs electing officers semiannually
Online submission: 12:00 midnight, June 30 and December 31
Fax submission: 12:00 midnight, June 30 and December 31
Regular mail submission: postmarked June 30 and December 31 and received @ WHQ by July 7 and January 7

You can find more information on Club Officers at Toastmasters International website. For specific tools, you will need to be listed as a club officer on TI and login.