District 6 Club Listing

District 6 Club Listings:

If you wish to download an Excel or CSV file of District 6 clubs to your computer and manipulate the list any way you like.  Here is how you get the entire list of District 6 clubs:

  1. FIND a Club
  2. “Club District Search” = 06  FIND
    1. Link –> District 6 Search Results
    2. (Note: Toastmasters International has made this more secure due to the data available.  For the above link to work, you need to go to TI and log in as a member, then come back here and click the above link.)
  3. Excel
  4. Save it to your computer (pay attention to where it is saving)
  5. Go to your computer and browse to the file you just downloaded and click on it to open it.  You may get the message “The file you are trying to open, name, is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?” Answer Yes.
  6. If you have Excel Version 2007 or 2010, place your cursor in cell A1, click on the Insert Ribbon, select Table and your data will be turned into a colorful table with dropdown arrows in the headers.  This will allow you to sort and filter your data quickly using the arrows.

Club’s Information incorrect?
Club information listed draws from Toastmasters International database. Please go there if you wish an update your Club’s website URL, meeting information, etc.. Click here for steps to correct this information!