Empower District 6 Awards (2013-2014)

District Logo The word for this year is “Empower” it is an action word meaning to give power.  Toastmasters as a program has a long history of empowerment as individuals have become confident speakers and leaders. The Trio will be awarding individuals in our District who go beyond the norm in their effort to empower themselves or others as we focus on the Toastmaster Core Values of “Integrity, Dedication to Excellence, Service to Our Members, and Respect for the Individual.”


Kimberlee and Jay Receive Empower Award
Larry Marik, LGM; Jay; Kimberlee, Sharon Rollefson DG

Kimberlee and Jay Redington are the first to receive this year’s District 6 Empower Award!  On Friday evening before TLI even began Kimberlee was helping put the Recourse Center in place, moving and arrange tables, checking rooms , helping to unpack awards and supplies along with countless other details.

Saturday morning before I even entered the Atrium it was full of toastmasters registering, but Kimberlee and Jay were busy processing the members so they could get to training by 8:00 a.m.  When the last award was given the last speech heard and everyone headed out the door to go home, Kimberlee was busy help us to pack up and clear away our material and supplies.  It is because of this “Dedication to Excellence” that Kimberlee and Jay Redington have received the “Empower Award”.

 – Sharon Rollefson, District 6 Governor

Mary Swanson receives Empower Award
Sharon Rollefson, DG and Mary Swanson, DTM

Mary Swanson Earns Empower Award – Proxies for District 6 – 85% for International Conference

When we arrived at the International Business Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, District 6 arrived with 85% of all the votes for our District.  We were the 3rd largest voting District.  It was a concentrated effort by Mary Swanson as she contacted Division and Area Governors, Club Presidents and Vice-Presidents to assign their votes.

Our District is giving Mary the Empower Award for all her work that resulted in our being able to vote for our District at the International Conference on August 24, 2013! Thank you Mary.

  Doug Maguire International Division Empower Award

Doug MaGuire International Empower Recipient
Doug MaGuire

Doug Maguire, President of the ID Lighthouse club, and member of the Zenith City Club, earned the Empower Award for being an example of an empowered Toastmaster. In his short time as a Toastmaster, Doug has demonstrated empowerment by stepping up to the duties and roles as needed in our clubs. He is learning like the rest of us, that you get more when you give more. He has further exemplified empowerment by becoming the president if ID Lighthouse, a leadership focused club. Congratulations Doug, thank you for showing us what empowerment really is.

– Greg Scholz, International Division Governor

Jonathan Goossen Eastern Division Empower Award

Jonathan Goosen receives Empower Award
Jonathan Goosen

Since the advent of this current Toastmaster year, Jonathan Goossen has been a shining example of excellence and a beacon to others. Upon becoming Area 16 governor, immediately reached out to his clubs and began training officers only to learn that he was responsible for an entirely different set of clubs due to realignment. Instead of being discouraged, he tirelessly refocused his efforts.

Jonathan has helped train officers in Area 16, the Eastern division, and any other area or division that asked for help. The same has occurred with contests. He has assisted with area and division contests all throughout District 6. On the few occasions he was unable to help out with area contests in the Eastern Division; it was because he was already scheduled to assist with contests in other divisions. He also attended the international convention held in Cincinnati where he became infused with enthusiasm.

His contributions extend well beyond Area 16 and the Eastern Division. He is active throughout District 6 and sets an example for all of us. Jonathan shared with me his secret. Toastmasters has helped him overcome the fear of failure. It has empowered him to say yes to opportunities and sparked a desire to bring out the best in others.

– Bradley J Reuvers, Eastern Division Governor

Christine Goodwin is the Western Division Empower Award Winner

Christine Goodwin receives Empower Award
Trio, Christine Goowin, and Ben Smith

I’m excited to announce the Western Division Empower Award winner! The Trio asked each of the Division Governors to award a Toastmasters member who has, so far this year, exemplified the Toastmasters Core Values.  Christine Goodwin has exemplified these Core Values, in particular by being the Chair of the committee organizing everything for the Starkey side of the Western Division Fall Contest. Thank you for all your hard work Christine!

Ben Smith, Western Division Governor

Marvel Kummer Receives Empower Award in Central Division

Marvel Kummer
Marvel Kummer

Thank you for all your dedication Marvel! You deserve the Empower Central Division Award!  When I think about empowering, I think about having the ability to have an idea, asking questions if necessary, but mainly running with the idea and getting it accomplished within the Toastmasters values of Integrity, Dedication to excellence, and Service to our members and Respect for the individual. And the person that embodies these values the most is Marvel Eileen Kummer.

As the extension chair for the Central Division, Marvel has organized a wonderful demonstration meeting for a new club to be created, as well as participated in almost all the Areas and Central Division Fall Speech Contests offering her help and guidance, for a successful completion of all the projects she has lead or been involved with. As a result, the Central Division is better positioned to offer our Toastmasters an environment where they can develop their communication and leadership skills, in a supportive environment. And that is what Toastmasters is all about!

Thank you Marvel!

Helene Gagoud – Central Division Governor

Vickie Schoutz receives Empower Award
Vickie Schoutz

Prairie Division Empower Award to Vickie Schoutz

Vickie Schoutz of Hutchinson Toastmasters II was the first recipient in the Prairie Division of the District 6 Empower Award, and deservedly so. Vickie has been an important part of the Hutchinson club for over 20 years. She works tirelessly to help new and veteran members achieve their goals and overcome challenges, and has demonstrated a strong commitment to increase membership for her home club. Most recently Vickie played a vital role in helping the Prairie’s newest club, 3M of Hutchinson charter in August 0f 2013; a club that now touts 34 members! Vickie also earned her DTM in September, making her an easy choice to receive the Empower Award.

David Houston Receives the Empower Award for the Northern Division

David Houston
David Houston

It’s a pleasure to award David Houston the Empowerment Award for the Northern Division. Through his dedication to excellence, and his selfless service to the clubs and members this Toastmasters year, David earned this award and recognition several times over.

In the first 3 months of the 2013-2014 Toastmasters year, David Houston’s contributions made a significant impact. He attended 5 division-sponsored officer training sessions, leading breakout sessions for key officer roles, and helping in any way he could. Thanks to David’s contributions, nearly every club officer in the Northern Division was trained in the first round. David also attended all of the Northern Division’s area-level speech contests, serving in key roles and helping each contest run smoothly. In the division’s first area-level speech contest, he served as the contest Toastmaster. In the Northern Division contest, David not only served in a contest role, but he coached the contest Toastmaster. Finally, in a Northern Division leadership club, David set an example again by graciously stepping up to fill the club’s Treasurer role when it suddenly became vacant during the membership-renewal period.

David has done so much for the members of District 6 and its Northern Division, even though he isn’t serving in a district officer role this year. He’s a model leader that sets an example for all Toastmasters to follow. Congratulations to David Houston on making a significant, positive difference, and in achieving the Empowerment Award.

Harold Osmundson Receives Metro Empower Award

Harold Receives Empower Award
Trio, Harold Osmundson, Sandi Robarge

Harold Osmundson, Northern Division Governor, received the first “Empower Award” in the Metro Division for his exemplary support of the Division’s Fall Speech Contest. He willingly took on the role of Chief Judge, gathering all of the judges, monitoring many aspects of the contest preparation, assisting with several of the Metro Area Contests in my absence, all while supporting his Area Governor’s Contests and preparing for his own Northern Division Contest. WOW!!!

On contest day Harold was one of the first organizers to show up. He immediately swung into action and stayed to the very end. It continues to be a pleasure to work with a Toastmaster with such integrity and a strong commitment to excellence. Congratulations Harold, you are an extraordinary example of  I.D.S.R. leadership for District 6!

-Sandi Robarge, Metro Division Governor

Trishauna Johnson Southern Division Empower Award

Trishauna Johnson receives Empower Award
Sharon Rollefson, Trishauna Johnson, Doug Blakesley

Area 81 Governor, Trishauna Johnson was the recipient of an Empower Award for her work as the Southern Division Fall Contest Chair. She exemplified the meaning of this award by recognizing that with the support of her Mentors and the help of her home club she would be successful. Trishauna took on this assignment in addition to the planning and execution of her own Area 81 contest. Her work schedule and the fact that the Division Governor lives over two hours away added to the challenge of assuring her questions and concerns were addressed. She had to rely on emails and many early morning phone calls. Trishauna was able to take advantage of the experience she gained from hosting the Area 81 contest held in the same facility two weeks earlier. The day before the big event she emailed me and said that she would “make me proud” and also proclaimed that the sun would shine on that day. I was indeed proud of her accomplishments and (mysteriously) the sun came out. But most importantly, she made herself proud.

– Doug Blakesley, Southern Division Governor

 Dru Jorgensen Receives Empower Award for Directory Work

Dru Jorgensen Receives Empower Award
Dru Jorgensen and Sharon Rollefson

Each Year our District strives to give members in Leadership roles a Directory, for use in identifying who is holding what role this year.  In the Directory we also have valuable contact information for the Clubs, their location, meeting time and dates of meetings. This information does not just appear out of our wishing or wanting.  This year many long hours, many long hours, did I say many long hours of hand typing, looking up data, adding pictures and pulling all the information together to send to our publisher?

Dru Jorgensen sat down, determined that you would have your directory no later than September DELIVERED!  We received the directories from the publisher on August 30th and immediately began handing them out.  We still have copies if you would like to have one.

I would like to give Dru an “Empower Award” in recognition of her endless hours, her typing talents and her Dedication to Excellence in providing the District with our Directory this year! Thank you Dru.

– Sharon L. Rollefson, DTM , District 6 Governor

Don Rollefson and Eric McBrayer, Two Treasured District 6 Treasurers

Eric McBrayer and Don Rollefson receive Empower Awards
Eric McBrayer, Sharon Rollefson, and Don Rollefson

This fall I was faced with the daunting task of submitting the District 6 Budget to World Headquarters.  I received an hour of training at the Fall Conference in Cincinnati and sent home to put together the District 6 Budget.

After the panic receded I checked with last year’s Treasurer, Don Rollefson, and asked, “Where do I begin?”  Don sat down with me, pulled out last year’s budget and we began the process of putting figures and events together. After several evenings of working together, I had a better idea of where we were going.  It was time to bring in this year’s Treasurer Eric McBrayer and finalize the District’s Budget. We worked some more and Eric took it home to finish it.

On Wednesday evening Sept 25, five days before our deadline, the Trio along with Eric and Don reviewed the final draft of our District Budget.  We signed it and sent it on to World Headquarters that evening.  Whew!  That was a lot of work and a lot of team work to insure this District runs smoothly for this year.

I am not exaggerating when I tell you “I could not have done it without Don and Eric.”  They were patient, kind and AMAZING, therefore, I would like to recognize them by giving them each an “Empower Award”, for all their hard work and support to me and the District.

–  Sharon Rollefson, DTM, District 6 Governor

Colbert Fong Gets District 6 Recognized by State of Minnesota

Colbert Fong Receives Empower Award
Colbert Fong and Sharon Rollefson

It isn’t every day or even every year that our District receives recognition by the Governor of the State of Minnesota. Yet, I am holding the document sent to me from Minnesota Mark Dayton, recognizing District 6 Toastmasters for our commitment to helping members develop essential communication and leadership skills. This is a very impressive document with the “gold seal” of the state of Minnesota on it.  More impressive than the document is the work behind our receiving this recognition.

Colbert Fong, contacted the Governor’s office, filled out paper work and communicated back and forth with them to make all of this happen.

I would like to award the “Empower Award” to Colbert for his elevating the awareness of District 6 Toastmasters to the State of Minnesota.  Congratulations Colbert and Thank you,

– Sharon Rollefson, DTM, District 6 Governor

Clinton Hunt and Larry Marik Serve District 6 and Receive Empower Awards

Clinton Hunt and Larry Marik Receive Empower Awards
Clinton Hunt, Sharon Rollefson, and Larry Marik

In August you as Toastmaster members of District 6 sent your Trio to Cincinnati, Ohio, to represent you. This is not a vacation as any member of the Trio can tell you.  We start at 7:00 a.m. and most nights are not done until 9:00-9:30 or later. We attend training, we attend group lessons, and we interview the contestants running for International Director Positions and the 2nd Vice President positions. We attend, opening ceremony, the Hall of Fame, where District 6 received awards for being a Distinguished District, Board meetings, Candidates Forum and Business meetings and election. We attended, Region 4 meetings, Meeting with International liaison for President-elect Mohammed Murad, The Gavel Dinner and the incoming President’s Dinner and Dance.

Today, I would like to personally thank Clinton and Larry for their outstanding service to the District by awarding them the “empowers award”. Their commitment and service to our District is a wonderful reflection on our tag line, “Where Leaders are Made.” Thank you Clinton and Larry!

– Sharon L. Rollefson, DTM, District 6 Governor

Karolyn Hoard and David Goldsworthy Receive Empower Awards

David Goldsworthy, Sharon Rollefson, Karolyn Hoard and Sharon Rollefson
David Goldsworthy, Sharon Rollefson, Karolyn Hoard and Sharon Rollefson

Our Bus load of Toastmasters arrived in Thunder bay, Ontario, Canada to Flags waving, people cheering and a lone wolf howling.  What a Welcome! Karolyn Hoard and David Goldsworthy our Fall Convention Co-Chairs were there to welcome us and to wave our Good-bye 2 days later.

It is an incredible task to coordinate a team of 68 workers, from 2 countries, but David and Karolyn were prepared for this task.

They were our Hotel liaison our volunteer coordinators and even found our District Governor a Beauty shop for a hair appointment prior to the Saturday evening Gala Event, complete with a Bagpiper for the procession. We have given Karolyn Hoard and David Goldsworthy the Empower Award in recognition of their ability to “Empower” so many District 6 Toastmasters by their example of Leadership and International Friendship between our two countries.

– Sharon Rollefson, DTM, District 6 Governor

Margaret Brunner, District Sergeant At Arms Earns Empower Award 2013-2014

Margaret Brunner Empower Award 11-9-2013
Larry Marik, Clinton Hunt, Margaret Brunner, and Sharon Rollefson

Our Fall Conference is carefully scripted from the first greeting to the final farewell. 19 pages of logistic and personnel all carefully detailed, color coded, and plans to accommodate 68 plus+ individuals. Margaret Brunner took on the task of coordinating the script, writing and dialoguing with the Trio, the Conference Co-Chairs, the District Secretary, The Audio Visual and okay you name it Margaret put you in the script.  The script written final version sent, oops, more changes final version sent, this happened 4 times before she was convinced we had everything in place.  This task done her real job began when she carefully orchestrated the rooms, the table placements, the seating arrangements.  Keeping us all on time, more than once I would look to Margaret to see where we were with our events and the time.

It is with tremendous gratitude that I am presenting Margaret Brunner with an “Empower Award” for exceptional service to District 6 at the Fall Conference in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, Oct 25-26, 2013.

– Sharon Rollefson, DTM, District 6 Governor

Prairie Division at Fall Conference Thunder Bay, Canada
Prairie Division at Fall Conference Thunder Bay, Canada

Raymond Norton Prairie Division Governor, Cindy Hidde Area 61 Governor, Marjorie Harris Area 62 Governor, Brian Rice DTM Area 63 Governor, Deb Olson Area 64 Governor, Jane Rischmiller DTM Area 66 Governor, Rick Holtmeier Prairie Division Extension/Retention Chair

Prairie Division Empower Award 110913
Prairie Division Empower Award 110913

Prairie Division is one of the largest geographical areas in District 6. You might think the Division Governors would all be miles away from one another, however, when I saw the representation from Prairie Division at our Fall Conference in Thunder Bay, it was amazing.  They are one of the “most together Divisions” in coming together, working together and celebrating the conference together.  This group had the largest representation of District Leaders from one Division (Prairie) at the Fall Conference.

It is because of this unified Spirit of these leaders that we have given each of them the “Empower Award” to congratulate them on their show of Leadership for Prairie Division and District 6.

– Sharon L. Rollefson, DTM, District Governor

Nancy Hobbs Empower Award
Clinton Hunt, Larry Marik, Nancy Hobbs, and Sharon Rollefson

Nancy Hobbs Receives Empower Award

Nancy Hobbs was given the Empower award on November 9th at our bi-monthly District Executive Committee (DEC) meeting. She continues to go above and beyond as our District Secretary. At all of our DEC and Leadership meetings she requests the RSVPs, helps with food, setup and tear down. She then executes that extra effort to provide us with a computer and printer/scanner for those times we need something printed while at the meeting. Thanks to Nancy for going that extra mile.

– Larry J. Marik, DTM, Lieutenant Governor Marketing

 Empower Award Winner Greg Scholz Becomes Engaged at Duluth TLI!

Greg Scholz Receives Award
Greg Scholz

International Division Governor

Last Fall Greg handed all of us who attended the International Division Speech Contest a small business card, telling us to save the Date for a Mini-TLI in Duluth with the theme “Be There”. His preparation for the International TLI started last fall with that business card that he handed out at every event he attended from last September until today December 14, 2013. These cards and Greg showed up at a Backyard Bar-B-Q in Duluth, at our Fall Conference in Thunder Bay, at our District Training Session at Club Meetings, and every place in between, promoting this Toastmasters Leadership Institute.

Greg Asks Sue to marry him
Greg and Sue Engaged

To prepare and offer an event of this magnitude required work and commitment, organization and implementation.  Fliers, emails and people were carrying the message and excitement of this event up in the North. Greg also accomplished a first (that I can remember), by going down on bended knee and asking Sue McCoy to marry him in front of the entire auditorium of Toastmasters in attendance. A very surprised Sue answered “Yes” as the ring was slipped onto her finger.  Wow!  Top that if you can Toastmasters.

Greg this is a true example of “Energized, Enthusiastic and Empowered Leadership”, therefore, I would like to present you with an Empower Award in recognition of your commitment to District 6 Toastmasters.

Sharon L. Rollefson, DTM, District 6 Governor

 Nicholas Nelson receives District 6 Empower award

Nick Nelson receives Empower Award
Greg Scholz and Nick Nelson

Please congratulate Nicholas Nelson of the ALLETE Power Cord Toastmasters (1036446) as the recipient of the District 6 Empower award!

Nicholas has shown us he is empowered by having the willingness to grab a hold of the opportunities that are afforded to every Toastmaster. We’ve seen him volunteer for division speech contests, multiple roles at a single TLI, and attend fall conference in Thunder Bay. He is also president of the ALLETE Power Cord Toastmasters. He is empowered to take the toastmaster track to the top!

Thank you Nicholas, for showing us how to get involved!

– Greg Scholz, Toastmasters International Division Governor

 Jim Rhodes Receives Empower Award

Jim Rhodes receives Empower Award from Helena Gagoud
Helena Gagoud and Jim Rhodes

Jim Rhodes, Area 1 Governor, received the Empower award for having trained the 35 officers of his clubs in the Fall and Spring. 100 % of the area 1 clubs have therefore achieved Magnificent Seven status and, most importantly, the Area 1 clubs are now lead by trained officers who can ensure their clubs provide the best environment for members to develop their communication and leadership skills.

Jim received his Empower award during the Area 1 Speech contest for his ability to inspire the 35 club officers to be trained, twice this year. The club officers attending the event, were also recognized during the speech contest, by the Central Division Governor Helena Gagoud.

With 35 officers well trained, Area 1 is well positioned to become a distinguished area!

Congratulations to Jim Rhodes for his leadership abilities!

Stephen Shaner, DTM Received Empower Award March 29, 2014

Sharon Rollefson awards Stephen Shaner
Sharon Rollefson awards Stephen Shaner

I don’t know of another Toastmaster in Region 4, and District 6 who has empowered more individuals than Stephen Shaner, DTM. He has mentored more Toastmasters than any other individual in our District. When taking on a new leadership role, it is not uncommon for the individual to reach out to Stephen and ask, “Will you mentor me?”  He has never said, no to any of us. Stephen’s quiet “attitude of service” his theme the year he was District Governor, is a way of life for Stephen. When the phone rings, I will hear this quiet voice ask, “Are you Awesome today?” Some days the answer is yes, other times maybe.  Stephen always asks “how may I help?”

He has served as our Regional Advisor and his travel stories are enough entertainment to compete with the best humorous speech.  The trip to Fargo, ND would probably win a trophy or two. Currently Stephen is our District’s Education Ambassador organizing and implementing the “New revitalized Education Program.”

It is indeed a privilege to honor Stephen with our Empower Award!

Sharon L Rollefson, DTM Toastmasters International District 6 Governor

Doug Blakesley presents Empower Award to Ryan Gillespie
Doug Blakesley and Ryan Gillespie

Empower Award Presented to Ryan Gillespie

The Empower Award was presented to Ryan Gillespie, Chairperson for the Area 82 Speech Contest that was held in Owatonna at the public library on Saturday, April 5, 2014.  Although, a relatively new Toastmaster, Ryan “empowered” herself by volunteering to take on the challenge of coordinating this contest in the absence of an Area Governor.  She displayed true leadership qualities by recognizing that even though this was an unfamiliar task for her she could “learn by doing” and readily accepted the mentoring more experienced Toastmasters provided her by email.  Ryan is a member of “The Speakers of the House”.

– Doug Blakesley, Southern Division Governor

Carol Duling Receives Empower Award

Carol Duling Empower Award
Sharon Rollefson awards Carol Duling

2 years ago I saw a program booklet from a Florida Spring Convention.  I brought home a copy of that book and started looking for a way to have that similar book at our spring convention.  I handed off the idea and Carol Duling made it happen, (hold up Program book).  This amazing book is the result of endless hours of gathering information, materials, ads and ideas.  Carol took my dream and created something so much better than I had ever hoped to have.

I am looking forward to keeping this book as a keepsake of this Spring Convention.  The pictures, the memories, the heroes and all the Contestants; this book sums up our weekend and is a proud reminder of our Empower Award.

With Gratitude I would like to present the Empower Award to Carol Duling.

– Sharon L Rollefson, DTM District 6 Governor

Don Mathews receives Empower Award
Don Mathews and Sharon Rollefson, DG

Don Mathews Receives Empower Award

It is often the person behind the scenes that makes us sound and look so good here in District 6. For the last 5? years Don Mathews has been our go to person if we want to sound good at our District Events.  Don works closely with the District and the facilities where we hold our various events, to make sure our Sound equipment is at its best. I have watched as Don put microphones on our Contest Contestants, and helped each one to learn how to best use the microphone during their speech. I have personally benefitted from his attention to detail for the head table and the hand held microphones.

Can you hear me now?  Can you hear me now is a familiar phrase to us, but it definitely reminds me that if you can hear me now, it is because Don Mathews made it happen.

I would like to present Don with the District 6 Empower Award.

– Sharon L Rollefson, DTM District 6 Governor

Michael Orr Receives Empower Award

Michael Orr receives Empower Award
Michael Orr and Sharon Rollefson, DG

s Parliamentarian. I can assure you not every leader Michael worked with has been as clueless as I was.  Ever patient Michael coached me at Club meetings and worked one on one with me to hone the fine art of running a correct business meeting.

Not everyone is intimidated by Robert’s Rules of Order, but I felt like a brand new Toastmaster at their first meeting.  I have gained confidence as I have continued to attend the Parliamentary Club and enjoyed the friendly table topics that are based on Robert’s rules of Order.  This District and I in particular are indebted to Michael Orr and all the members of the Parliamentary Club that continue to support and lead us.

It is in gratitude for this support that I am presenting the “Empower Award” to Michael Orr, as he definitely has “empowered me.”

– Sharon Rollefson, DTM District 6 Governor

Pat Hannan International Director Receives Empower Award
Pat Hannan International Director and Sharon Rollefson DG

Pat Hannan, DTM Receives Empower Award

This past winter we all headed south to Dallas, TX in January to training.  I of course expected warm balmy days. Surprise, it was a wintery 30 degrees in Dallas.

During the course of our training the District Governors were separated out to work on our own specific concerns. Many ideas filled the flip charts at the front of the room and before long issues that had seemed insurmountable when we arrived began to come into focus as we found help and solutions for many of those concerns. I found Pat Hannan to be a great resource and a valuable boost to my confidence in these sessions and in one on one chats. Her knowledge of the Toastmaster Program and her down home style of addressing simplifying answers helped to Empower me as a Leader.

I would like to recognize Pat Hannan with the District 6 “Empower Award.”

– Sharon L. Rollefson, DTM District 6 Governor

Emma Frost receives Empower Award from Sharon Rollefson
Emma Frost and Sharon Rollefson, DG

Emma Frost District 64 Governor Is Empower Award Recipient

In August, of 2011, I arrived in Las Vegas for a week of Training for my new District position of Lt Gov Marketing. One of the first training sessions we were asked to form small groups for discussion on a given marketing question.  This is where I first met a young woman who would become a close friend and confident. Because we both started our District Leadership path together we have on occasion encountered the same kind of problems.  As we continued on our journey we found we could bounce ideas off of each other and help to solve difficult situations. We love to play practical jokes on our Regional Advisors, especially Stephen Shaner.

We traveled to Winnipeg last fall to attend the Fall Conference and found just as much, if not more snow in Winnipeg as there is in Minneapolis. Emma Frost and I even visited the Kennedy memorial in Dallas, Texas together. She continues to inspire and ground me with her humor and quick intellectual wisdom.

Emma Frost, please accept this Empower Award as you continue to Empower Me and others.

– Sharon L. Rollefson, DTM District 6 Governor