Enlightening Leadership Awards (2014-2015)

The phrase for this year is “Enlightening Leadership” it is an action.  The Trio will be awarding individuals in our District who go beyond the norm in their effort to show Enlightened Leadership as we focus on the Toastmaster Core Values of “Respect for the Individual, Integrity, Service to Our Members, and Excellence.” Let’s live Toastmasters International’s tag line of “Where Leaders are Made” and enlighten leadership!

Metro Division Enlightening Awards

On Monday, September 29, 2014, the District 6’s Metro Division held its fall speech contest.  The contest took place at the beautiful art deco styled Wells Fargo Tower in the heart of downtown Minneapolis.  That night, three Enlightening Leadership pins were awarded:

Clinton Hunt Jr., DG awards Velma J Korbel
Michael Browne awards Erik Goddard

Erik Goddard earned the award for his hard work in building partnerships with in his home club and forging a relationship with the corporate sponsor, Wells Fargo, for the use of the entire third floor formal meeting space.  This was tall task which included numerous meetings on and off-site meetings.  As the Contest Host Chair, Erik shared the vision for attendees to experience the sensation of being downtown, with view of the build and awe striking structures.  Without Erik’s perseverance, and silent efforts, the Metro Division contest would have happened at the Wells Fargo Tower.

– Michael K. Browne, Metro Division Governor


Michael Browne awards Judy

Judy Ring, DTM earned the award for serving as the contest Toastmaster (the M.C.) of the evening.  Having served in this position at last year’s fall speech contest, I am intimately aware of the stress and stamina it takes to remain focused for the 4 hour period; yet, be timely, accurate and entertaining.  Judy embodied all of these characteristics, plus added a distinguished flare to the event.  Most importantly, from behind the scenes, Judy connected with the contestants and pre-briefed them on various matters, including fielding follow-up questions. It was this silent work that made the connection between the contestants and the Toastmaster special that evening!

– Michael K. Browne, Metro Division Governor

Michael Browne awards Toni

Toni Newborn earned the award for serving as the Chief Judge of the contest, ensuring the fairness and integrity of the contest. What most attended did not recognize was Toni’s behind the scenes work as the Food Committee Chair.  She coordinated with our main food sponsor, “Lead by Example Minneapolis,” a Bush Foundation Program Developed by Sherman Patterson, Jr. and Afro Deli in Minneapolis to ensure the event was catered and worked with Mr. Patterson to bring three young men (aged 14 years old) to experience Toastmasters for the first time!

– Michael K. Browne, Metro Division Governor


Founder of Minneapolis Urban Scholar Program Receives Award

Clinton Hunt Jr., DG awards Velma J Korbel
Clinton Hunt Jr., DG awards Velma J Korbel

This past Friday, July 25, 2014, the District Governor visited Roller Toasters (Club #4216) Speechcraft program called Minneapolis Urban Scholars and delivered an amazing keynote speech on public speaking topic “How to Say It” to a room of 29 college aged participates, which was followed by a healthy round of Table Topics with the students.   At the end of the meeting, Clinton met with Velma J. Korbel, Director of the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights, who is one of the founders of the Minneapolis Urban Scholar programs.  He then awarded her the “Enlightening Leadership” Award.

– Michael K. Browne, Metro Division Governor



Marvel Kummer is a Buddy Who Receives Award

Deb Luu and Marvel Kummer
Deb Luu, Prairie DG presents Marvel Kummer

Marvel never hesitates when it comes to serving District 6.  She is the mentor for 2 soon to be new Toastmaster Clubs – Uncommon Speakers and Bluestem BS Talkers.  She participated in the Club Buddy Program and helped to bring the club she was buddy to distinguished status.  She has assisted in multiple kickoff meetings.  She never hesitates when asked to be a timer for speech contests and always brings her magnificent timing device.  Thank you Marvel, for everything you do for District 6 Toastmasters!

– Deb Luu, Prairie Division Governor



Donna Chermak Receives Award

Donna Chermak award
Deb Luu, Prairie DG presents Donna Chermak

Donna is very involved in her clubs in Area 66 as well as serving when asked outside of her clubs.  She is an enlightening leader as she mentors everyone in her clubs to become better speakers and leaders never looking for anything in return.  She was a mentor for the newest Prairie Toastmaster club – BERNtoast.  She is always very prepared for any role she has during the regular meetings.  She has traveled to other clubs outside of her area to assist with meetings and contests.

– Deb Luu, Prairie Division Governor