Thank you District 6!

Larry Marik, District Director 2015-2016

Club Incentive (incentive is now over):

Every club bringing in a new member between June 21, 2016 and June 30, 2016 will receive a “Made it happen” ribbon for their banner! Bring in 3 or more members between these dates and your club will receive a “Made it happen” ribbon for their banner AND a $25 gift certificate to the Toastmasters International store!
Join Before July (incentive is now over):
For those members who joined a District 6 club between Sunday, June 26th and Thursday, June 30th, you’ll broaden your experience in Toastmasters and also receive the following rewards:

  • A special invitation to District 6’s Appreciation Lunch, August 27th from 12:30 – 2:00 pm in Eden Prairie
  • A $5 gift e-card from Amazon
  • A copy of the book Cat Got Your Tongue? by Diane Windingland ($10 value), awarded at the 8/27 lunch
  • A curated collection of resources for better speaking, leadership, humor, and storytelling

Eligibility was determined by the join date from Toastmasters International. Memberships starting in July 2016 or submitted in July 2016 are not eligible.