Strive for Excellence! – 9 Rewards for Your Club’s Efforts

To recognize and reward clubs striving for excellence during the 2017-2018 program year, District 6 offers the 9 reward programs below for 4/1/2018-6/30/2018.

The Strive for Excellence program is complete. Submissions for rewards are no longer being accepted. Thanks very much for participating.

Remaining rewards will be ordered and distributed shortly.


Strive for Excellence! Reward Programs

Program & Goal Reward

1. Spring Renewal 90 – Renew 90% of your club’s March membership by 4/27

Your club’s March membership can be found in this document.

Tip: Follow up with members that haven’t renewed. Ask why they haven’t renewed and address any issues impacting their experience. Use this renewals guide to help.

$25 TI Gift Certificate

2. Spring Renewal 100 – Renew 100% of your club’s March membership by 4/27

Your club’s March membership can be found in this document.

Tip: Follow up with members that haven’t renewed. Ask why they haven’t renewed and address any issues impacting their experience. Use this renewals guide to help.

$50 TI Gift Certificate

3. Distinguished Early Bird – Achieve Distinguished Club recognition by 5/1

Tip: Follow up with members that haven’t renewed, including former members from the last 1-3 years. Use this renewals guide to help.

$25 TI Gift Certificate

4. Club Powerball – For each member added between 4/1 and 6/30, your club receives a ticket for monthly drawings for $25 TI gift certificates. 3 winners will be drawn each month (April, May, June).

Tip: Encourage members to use this meeting invitation template to invite others via email, paper, etc.

$25 TI Gift Certificate

5. Each One Bring One – For each member added between 4/1 and 6/30, the member sponsoring that new member gets a ticket for monthly drawings for a $25 gift card of choice. 3 winners will be drawn each month (April, May, June).

Tip: Encourage members to use this meeting invitation template to invite others via email, paper, etc.

$25 Gift Card of Choice

6. Revive 5 – Earn a $25 TI gift certificate when 5 former members re-join your club between 4/1 and 6/30. To qualify as a former member, the member must’ve had some lapse in membership in your club. For example, members that didn’t renew in September/October 2017 (or earlier) qualify for the Revive 5 program.

Tip: Use the new Pathways program to engage and excite former members, encouraging them to resume their journey in your club.

$25 TI Gift Certificate
7. Keep Growing! – Add new members to your club between 4/1 and 6/30 to earn rewards. Details are below:

  • For every 2 new members added to your club between 4/1 and 6/30, your club earns a $10 TI gift certificate
  • For every 4 new members added to your club between 4/1 and 6/30, your club earns a $25 TI gift certificate

Tip: Don’t stop growing after you’ve added 4 just new members. Otherwise, your club will be in the same position next year. Use this program to grow significantly for the long term. The rewards don’t stop after the first 4 new members. Each new member brings energy and enhances the experience for all other members.

8. Level Up! – Improve your club’s DCP recognition level compared to last year (2016-2017) and earn rewards. Details are below:

  • Select Distinguished (2016-2017) –> President’s Distinguished (2017-2018): $25 TI Gift Certificate
  • Distinguished (2016-2017) –> Select Distinguished (2017-2018): $25 TI Gift Certificate
  • Distinguished (2016-2017) –> President’s Distinguished (2017-2018): $50 TI Gift Certificate


  • If your club hasn’t achieved Distinguished Club recognition in the previous 2 years, it’ll receive an additional $25 TI Gift Certificate for achieving Distinguished Club recognition in 2017-2018
  • If your club achieves 5 or more DCP goals but doesn’t meet the membership-eligibility requirement, it’ll still receive a $10 TI gift certificate

Tip: Rally your club and all members by discussing where your club is in terms of DCP (see the Club DCP Dashboard), determine what it’d take to achieve the next level, and gain commitment from members to help the club achieve. By working as a team toward this common goal, energy skyrockets, and each member will have an exciting experience. You can do it!

9. Race to the Top! – The top 3 clubs in membership and the top 3 clubs in the number of educational awards will be recognized and rewarded. Ties are broken based on the date of award or member (first wins).

The top 3 clubs in each category receive TI gift certificates based on rank:

#1: $100
#2: $75
#3: $50