D106 Area Director Application Form

  • If you are interested in being a District Chair or any other Leadership role please see the District Chair / Leadership Role Application.
  • If you are interested in an Elected Role (Division Director, District Director, Program Quality Director, or Club Growth Director), please see the District 6 Nominations Page.  Nominations for 2017-2018 are closed.

Area Director General Overview (Roles & Responsibilities)


Thank you for your interest in serving as an Area Director for District 106 for the 2018-19 Toastmasters year! I envision the role of Area Director being someone who fosters a relationship with each of their clubs, helping them to create a dynamic club experience where they feel connected with their guests and members. This partnership with the District officers will allow us all to collaborate together to help each club answer the 1 question: “Would I, as a guest, join my club?” Creating that relationship will allow you as an Area Director to be more effective in fulfilling the responsibilities of the role, listed below:

  • See District Leadership Manual, Area Director section (pages 39-40).  As Area Director, you serve as the direct liaison between the district and the clubs.  You keep clubs informed, offer guidance and support to club leaders and members, and help clubs achieve excellence.
  • Area Directors represent our district and Toastmasters International.  Professional dress and behavior are expected at district events and visits.
  • Area Directors conduct club visits twice a year within their respective areas (usually 4-6 clubs) to understand how to support and meet the needs of each club.  Club-visit reports must be submitted by the specified deadlines (November 30th and May 31st).
  • Area Directors conduct club-officer training twice a year
  • Area Directors conduct area speech contests once a year
  • Area Directors attend district training (see DEC dates listed in District 106 2018-19 Key Dates)
  • Area Directors contribute to their division and district team, helping teammates and the team achieve their respective goals.  Conflict and disagreement should be handled in a civil, professional manner so it doesn’t impact the team and the team’s mission.

District 106 2018-19 Key Dates

D106 Realignment-2018

District Leader Qualifications and responsibilities



  • Submit