2019 District Conference Educational Presentations

Crowne Plaza AiRE
MSP Airport – Mall of America

Scroll down for complete list of sessions.

Friday May 3rd 7:15 – 8:15PM

Pres Vasilev: How to Uncover the Glory of Your Story

In this interactive educational session, the 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking Pres Vasilev will equip you with the storytelling tools you need to transform your speeches into captivating stories. Come see Pres deliver live his winning Semifinal speech and engage in a dynamic discussion to unpack the tools and tactics hidden in the story. Ask your questions, share your insights, and learn from the questions and insights of others. You will walk away with practical tools that will help you uncover the glory of your story so you can influence and inspire your audience.

Saturday May 4th 11:00 – 12:00 Noon

Pres Vasilev: Journey to World Champion of Public Speaking

Imagine you are about to embark on a journey that can change your life.

In this motivational keynote, you will witness the twists and turns, the defeats and triumphs, the decisions and discoveries that shaped Pres Vasilev’s journey to World Champion of Public Speaking. You will pick up powerful public speaking tools, tactics and techniques, and you will discover the top secrets that helped Pres rise above 30,000 contestants from 122 countries.

Saturday May 4th 2:00 – 3:30PM

Pres Vasilev: Secrets of Compelling Storytelling

In this storytelling workshop, the 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking Pres Vasilev will unveil the most powerful storytelling secrets that helped him craft two award-winning speeches.

You will discover how to bring your stories to life so you can keep your audience in the palm of your hand and move them to action.

Come watch his winning World Championship speech and engage in a dynamic discussion to explore its storytelling secrets. Attend this interactive workshop and enrich your public speaking and leadership skills with the great art of compelling storytelling.

Saturday May 4th 3:45 – 4:30PM

Cory Gallagher: The Heart of Leadership

Location: Lindbergh

Discover how becoming a servant leadership could change everything for you. It will add to your effectiveness, subtract from your weaknesses, divide your workload and multiple your impact. 

Some think a Title will automatically make them a leader; while others believe their work experience automatically makes them a leader. 

If you desire to create strong relationships and improve trust with those in your life this is the educational session for you. 

Why is Servant leadership so important in all aspects of our life including Toastmasters?  Because becoming a better leader changes the lives of our family, employees and our fellow Toastmaster members. 

In this interactive session we will better understand Why Servant Leadership is becoming more Prevalent. The characteristics of a Servant Leader and the benefits that serving others will have on your personal, professional and Toastmaster life.  

Points to take away:

–           Don’t Rely on Your Position or Title
–           Characteristics of a Servant Leadership 
–           Servant + Leader = Servant Leader 
–           Building Community 

About the speaker:

Cory Gallagher accepted his first leadership role at age 21. His leadership career spans thirty years from manufacturing products to manufacturing customer experiences all with the same three key ingredients people, process and technology 

Early in his career he was captivated by the Zig Ziglar quote “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” In the past thirty years as a leader he has channeled his energy to develop himself in an effort to influence others to grow themselves so they too can become a leader others want to follow.

Cory is the Vice President of Call Center Operations for Customer Elation a Minnesota based outsourcer of customer service.

Cory Gallagher

Saturday May 4th 3:45 – 4:30PM

Ron Henderson: Stop Bankrupting your health with the Strong Body, & Mind action method.

Location: Wright

If you didn’t have a dime you could call your own, you understand that you’d be in dire straits. Money might make the world go around but there is so much more to living, loving and learning than money.

Most people are taught the value of money early on in life but precious few are taught the life-long value of being physically fit. Is carrying extra weight or living with aches and pains normal? I don’t believe so and I am living proof that your audiences don’t have to accept a fate like this. 

They may be feeling the effects of having ignored their physical fitness and health but now is always a good time to make a change.

Improving their health and well being forecast doesn’t simply have to mean pounding the running track or hitting the gym if they wanted to do that, they’d be doing it already, right? 

I will set out tried-and-true financial principles and show how any audience can apply them to their physical health and enjoy a substantial increase in their ‘health net worth’. 

A dynamic listen, my clearly explained system will demonstrate how they can make a change and motivate any audience to take the first step on the road to a better, brighter life with easy to remember strategies.

Points to take away: 

1. Learn how to pay yourself first Physically ( And increase your health score )
2. The Power of Three: Learning how to Focus our Mind! Our energy! Our actions! Learn the Catch and Release system ( And reduce the stress in your life )
3. Don’t Retire ! Re-Fire

About Ron:

Ron Henderson, “The Fitness King” is a Keynote Speaker, author and fitness coach who has been providing personal coaching and motivational presentations to audiences for the past 40 years, to help them become the best version of themselves both in body and mind. Ron is ready to serve your group Audiences have described Ron’s presentations as high energy, engaging, humorous, and hard hitting. Ron will provide your group with a game plan for success.

Ron Henderson

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