Where Do I Get That Passport Fellow Fall Convention Co-Chairs?

Maybe you have been wondering how to get a passport for the Fall Convention? (Apply here to get your passport). Fall Convention plans are underway and you will need a current passport in order to return home from Canada. Our Convention Co-Chairs are finalizing information which will be posted in the near future. Convention Co-Chairs, Karolyn Hoard and David Goldsworthy, will be happy to answer any other questions or concerns you may have. Please contact them by going to the Contact District 6 Leaders tab on the left.

Plans are underway for bussing for the trip to Thunder Bay. As those plans are finalized we will keep you updated on this grand caravan. The bus will start in Rochester for its first pickup, Minneapolis for its second pickup, Duluth for its final pickup. Contact Jill Nauman if interested in participating.