
Designating Club Proxy

The steps to designating club proxy for the Annual Business meeting on Friday, August 23, 2019 in Denver, CO are below. Please complete this task by Tuesday, August 21, 2019.

  1. View the Featured Article named ‘Make Sure Your Voice is Heard’ within the Leader Letter at: https://www.toastmasters.org/leadership-central/the-leader-letter. It explains the voting procedures and what happens at the Annual Business meeting in August. This year, the Annual Business meeting is on August 23, 2019 in Denver, CO
  2. Go to toastmasters.org.
  3. Click on LOGIN button. Button can be found on the top towards the middle of the toastmasters.org main page.
    1. If you have a login Id and password, enter them and click Login.
    2. If you have never logged into toastmasters.org using your own personal user name and password OR you can’t remember what your user name and/or password are, click on Forgot your password? It will take an average of 24 hours to get a response back with an id and password for you to use.
  4. Once you are logged in, click on the hamburger menu icon . Click on the Leadership Central heading and then Club Central. Location of this link depends on whether you are accessing toastmasters.org from a computer or on a cellphone.
  5. Once Club Central opens, you will see the list of clubs you can conduct club business for. Click on the club name-number that you want to work with.
  6. On the Conduct Club Business webpage, find the link for Club Proxy. If you do not see a link for Club Proxy then you are not authorized to assign the club proxy to someone. If this is in error, contact WHQ.
  7. Click on the Club Proxy link.
  8. The Club Proxy Assignment webpage will be displayed. If your club proxy has already been assigned, you will see the Certification of Delegate information along with the member id of the member who was designated to carry the proxy for the Annual Business Meeting on August 23, 2019.
  9. If the proxy has not been assigned yet, find the link for designating the District Director, a club member, or any active Toastmaster as your club proxy holder. Click on the link of your choice.
  10. You will see the list of candidates for International Director and International Officer as well as a link to learn more about Proposals A through L.
  11. Follow the instructions to designate the club proxy to one of 3 options.
    1. A member of the club who will be attending the Annual Business Meeting. You will need the member id for the club member.
    2. The district director (As of July 1, 2019, the District 6 Director is Ravi Rai, DTM).
    3. Any member of Toastmasters International that your club wishes to designate as the club proxy holder. You will need the member id to designate to a Toastmaster who is not currently a member of your club but is an active member of a club.
    4. NOTE: If your club has a preference for which candidates the club vote needs to be given to, please indicate that at the time of delegating the proxy. The proxy holder must cast the club votes per the instructions from the club. If no club preference is provided, the proxy holder will vote based on their discretion. The same is true for the 12 Proposals. If club preference is indicated, the proxy holder must vote as directed.

Questions? Contact Mary Swanson, DTM; 2019 District 6 Proxy Chair.

Email: swansonmej@gmail.com. Cell: 507-649-1879.

Note: District officers do not get an at-large vote due to their District officer position for the Annual Business meeting as they do for the District Annual Business meeting in April/May.