
Club Growth Director

Position Description

As the club growth director, you are responsible for all aspects of marketing, club-building, and member- and club-retention efforts within the district. This includes defining an overall marketing strategy for the district, developing outreach and retention efforts with existing community and corporate clubs, and penetrating new markets. Additionally, the club growth director supports challenged clubs and helps them to become Distinguished. Together with your district leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online tutorials. To be club growth director, you must have served at least six consecutive months as club president and at least 12 consecutive months as a program quality director, club growth director, division director, or area director. Once you serve as club growth director for a full year, you may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • The club growth director develops a marketing plan in conjunction with district team members. This marketing plan introduces new initiatives and guides the district in meeting membership and club growth objectives.
  • With the district director’s approval, the club growth director appoints members to chair club growth committees, such as the club extension chair, club quality chair, club retention chair and club new source research chair. These positions form the district marketing team. Once formed, these committees help the club growth director to design, develop and implement district marketing projects.
  • As the brand steward at the district level, the club growth director is responsible for ensuring that the district adheres to Toastmasters International brand standards.
  • As club growth director, you recruit, train and supervise a strong club-building team; you work closely with the region advisor to meet the district’s membership and club-building goals.
  • In collaboration with and subject to the approval of the district director, the club growth director appoints committee chairs as necessary to aid in the organization of new clubs in the district.
  • It is your responsibility, as club growth director, to assist the club and the district director to appoint club sponsors, mentors for new clubs and club coaches for existing clubs that are struggling. Once appointed, you train, motivate and supervise the club sponsors, mentors and coaches and manage the Club Coach program to help weak clubs achieve recognition in the Distinguished Club Program.
  • The club growth director monitors division, area and club administration to ensure forms, reports, lists and other information are submitted to World Headquarters in a timely manner. This includes the Area Director’s Club Visit Report and club officer lists.
  • As club growth director, you provide quantitative feedback regarding district progress at district leadership meetings.
  • The club growth director is the third ranking member of the district executive committee, presiding over that body and the district council in the absence of the district director and program quality director.
  • Each month, you report on the activities of the district marketing team to the district executive committee. It is your responsibility to delegate and hold district marketing team members accountable.

Position Requirements:

  • Must have served at least six consecutive months as club president
  • Must have served at least 12 consecutive months as a program quality director, club growth director, division director, or area director.
  • Must be a paid Toastmasters member in good standing from a club in District 6 that is also in good standing.
  • Once you serve as club growth director for a full year, you may not be re-elected to the same office for a succeeding term.