District 6 & District 106 Leadership Nominations

Elected Positions

All candidates declaring for a 2018-2019 District Leadership role must declare their intent to run to the District Leadership Chair (Diane Windingland) no later than January 13, 2018.  Toastmasters International approved extending this date into January! (see online form below)

On July 1, 2018, the District will reform into two Districts: District X North (tentatively District 106) or District Y South (tentatively District 6).  Therefore, ALL candidates running will need to indicate which District they are applying for.

Please refer to the following map:  Link to map showing District X – north and District Y – south

Candidates running for a Division Director position will need to indicate which Division they are applying for.

Candidates will need to submit the official Candidate Application Form, the Nomination Form, and the Officer Agreement and Release Form to the District Leadership chair (Diane Windingland) by the time of the interview process planned in January.

Download  forms here:
Candidate Application Form (submit) PDF
Nomination Form (submit) PDF
Officer Agreement and Release Form (submit) PDF
District Nominations Schedule
(information only, nothing to submit)
District Leader Qualifications and responsibilities
(information only, nothing to submit)
Division Director guidance (info only) PDF

(Link to contact Diane to obtain her email address, phone number and/or regular address.)

Leadership (Nominating) Committee Schedule is available at the bottom of this webpage.

District Leader Nomination Form



Leadership (Nominating) Committee Schedule
(Note: The schedule below meets the revised Toastmasters International policy section 9.0 effective on July 1, 2016)

By October 1, 2017 District Director appoints District Leadership Committee (DLC) chair. (Appointment completed on July 1.)
November 1, 2017 At least 10 DLC members are recommended by the DLC chair and approved by the District Director.
November 4, 2017

Call for candidate declarations.

(to be included in the October and November Newsletters and announced at the District 6 Fall Conference Business Meeting)

December 15, 2017 (extended to January 13, 2018) Deadline for candidates to declare intent to run.
By March 24, 2018 DLC notifies District Director of nominated candidates.
By April 7, 2018

DLC publishes nominations on District website.

(Floor candidates may declare their intent to run after the DLC results have been announced.)

May 5, 2018 District council annual meetings occur (actual dates set by each district).
July 15, 2018 Deadline to submit Officer Agreement and Release Statements and District Leader rosters to World Headquarters.


The chair of the nominating committee reports the committee’s results in writing to the district director no fewer than six weeks before the district’s Annual Business Meeting. The district director submits the report in writing to all members of the district council at least four weeks before the Annual Business Meeting. This may be done in the district newsletter or a separate communication. At the discretion of the district director, a statement from each nominee outlining their qualifications and abilities to perform the duties of the office may be included with the report. Only candidates nominated by the nominating committee may be included in the report. Floor candidates may declare their intent to run after the District Leadership Committee results have been announced.

Appointed Positions

  • Please check back at a later date for information around positions for 2018-2019 Area Directors and District Chairs.