
Administration Manager

Position Description:

As the administration manager, you are responsible for maintaining the historical records of the district, recording and distributing meeting minutes, and otherwise maintaining accurate, timely records of district business. The administration manager may be elected or appointed at the will of the district director, subject to the approval of the district executive committee and confirmation by the district council. You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only. The office of administration manager and finance manager may be combined. 

Primary Responsibility:

  • As administration manager, it is your responsibility to record, organize and keep accurate minutes of district executive committee meetings and district council meetings.
  • The administration manager upholds the District Administrative Bylaws and district procedures, and keeps a permanent history of district accomplishments.
  • The administration manager is responsible for all district correspondence
  • As administration manager, you help prepare the mailing of announcements for district meetings, copies of minutes, and other district reports to clubs.