
Club Coach

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Position Description: A club coach is an experienced Toastmaster who coaches a low member club (no more than 12 paid members) to rebuild membership and rejuvenate the club environment. A club can have up to two club coaches at one time. The goal of a coach is to help the club achieve recognition in the […]


Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)

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*NOTE: This page will be updated frequently so please feel free to refer as you are able. Save the Date: Saturday, July 18th, 2020 from 8 am – 12:30 PM Call for Presenters: We are looking for presenters who would like to present at one or more of the available session. We invite you to share […]



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Position Description: The webmaster assists the district director and club growth director with updates to the district website. Although the district director is the publisher of the district website and ultimately responsible for its content, the webmaster plays an important role in maintaining the website. This involves posting district announcements, removing outdated content, and troubleshooting […]



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Position Description: The parliamentarian assists the district director with planning and conducting district meetings. Responsibilities of the parliamentarian include interpreting Toastmasters bylaws and policies, reviewing district operating procedures as requested by the district director, and ensuring all meetings follow proper protocol. The parliamentarian is an invaluable resource for the district director, offering help, guidance, and […]


Club Growth Director

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Position Description As the club growth director, you are responsible for all aspects of marketing, club-building, and member- and club-retention efforts within the district. This includes defining an overall marketing strategy for the district, developing outreach and retention efforts with existing community and corporate clubs, and penetrating new markets. Additionally, the club growth director supports challenged […]


Program Quality Director

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Position Description: As the program quality director, you are responsible for all aspects of education and training within the district. This includes supporting quality club programming efforts, promoting the Distinguished Club Program, and planning and executing the district conference. Together with your district leadership team, you participate in District Leader Training, Mid-year Training, and online […]


Division Director

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Position Description: As division director, your job is to lead and support the division through the supervision and support of the area directors. One of your primary goals as division director is to ensure that each club achieves its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members. To achieve this, you coordinate division activities, set […]