Be My Guest – A Membership-Building Program

This page contains the “Be My Guest” membership-building guide and related resources that’ll help your club grow.

Please take some time to read through the PDF guide linked below, share it with your fellow members, and discuss how your club can implement the program to grow.

“Be My Guest” – Membership-Building Guide

“Be My Guest” Invitation Template (Thanks to Darek Prochaska for providing this!)

The Be My Guest program is a 5-step program to increase the number of guests, which will increase the number of members.  A brief summary of the program’s 5 steps is below:

  1. Create. Create value and add appeal to meetings by planning them to showcase interesting themes, topics, and speeches.  Add an educational presentation to each meeting.
  2. Collect. Find others to personally invite to your club’s next meeting.
  3. Contact. Send the personal invitations to the individuals collected in Step 2 above.
  4. Count. At each meeting, count how many invitations were sent out since the previous meeting.  Never allow the count to be zero.
  5. Continue. Stick with this program and be consistent.

Related Resources