District 6 Booth for 2015-2016

Hi Fellow Toastmasters,
Many of you have inquired about the Toastmasters booth at the Minnesota State Fair. We are sorry to say that there will be no Toastmasters booth this year. I know this is disappointing to many of you and many of you love to take this into your State Fair plans. A critical review of the resources of District 6 suggested that the booth was not directly benefiting the clubs of District 6 while it was expensive for the budget. A better approach would be to have our clubs utilize local events to promote Toastmasters & their clubs.
There is good news!
IMG_1676 StandUpDisplay BannerYes the good news is that, the funds are now available for the clubs, areas & divisions to set up booths in the communities where clubs meet. District 6 would consider any request. The registration cost could be reimbursed upon prior approval from Public Relations Manager (Ravi Rai). The district will share banners or display booth on a first come first serve basis. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and promote Toastmasters and your club all over Minnesota.
For more information contact Ravi Rai, District 6 2015-2016 Public Relations Manager.