Message to D6 Members from District Director

Hi fellow toastmasters

Hope you are doing well and are safe. I am writing to you with regards to club challenges related to Coronavirus.

There is a widespread concern about the virus and every organization is taking steps to protect its employees, members as well as public. Many organizations have advised its employees and members to suspend social activities and/or use online meetings.

Many of you have asked me on what is the direction for toastmasters of district 6.

Please allow me to address this.Please find the following topics:· Information from Toastmasters International on COVID19

  • Social safe distance
  • Will District Director cancel the club meetings?·
  • Will there be Club Contests when we cannot meet in person?
  • Will the Area contest be held or cancelled?
  • Will the Division Contest be held or cancelled?
  • What is the deal with Virtual meetings?
  • D6 & D106 Joint efforts
  • Handshakes or physical touch greetings

Information from Toastmasters International on COVID19

Toastmasters International has created a website: website has several tools that you can use.

Social safe distance

Governor Waltz recommended that all of us in Minnesota practice social safe distance. As I understand it is recommended that we cancel all events that will hold over 250 attendees. For smaller group meetings, make sure the room allows a minimum of 5 feet distance between 2 attendees. When you are hosting your event, please allow sufficient space to allow attendees to sit in a safe zone as per Governor’s recommendation.

Will District Director cancel the club meetings?

District Director has no authority over club, area or division meetings. It is up to club members to hold their meetings in person or over internet or cancel it. The district recommends that clubs continue to meet as per the recommendations of the meeting facility or meet online.

Will there be Club Contests when we cannot meet in person?

Toastmasters made an exception to the contest policy. If your club needs to conduct a contest; online contest can now be conducted to select your contestant for the area contest. The judges can be online and should be able to view the speaker. The timing cards can be showed over the camera. Hence all the task can be conducted through video conferencing.

Will the Area contest be held or cancelled?

The decision of holding Area Contests rests with Area Council headed by Area Director. As your district director, I and other district leaders are getting our teams ready to conduct virtual Area Contests. The district leadership will provide the technical assistance if asked.

Upadate 3/14/20: More information coming on this after D6TM DEC meeting.

Will the Division Contest be held or cancelled?

All division contests will be held on the date advertised. They will all be supported virtually. We are still working with the hosting facility to see if the location will be available. Considering the fact that the corporations are cancelling public events at the facilities, we will most likely have “virtual Division Contests”. The district is working closely with all the Division Directors.

What is the deal with Virtual meetings?

Please consider using & trying an online tool such as zoom, hangout, skype to hold online meetings. If you have not used it before, it might give you a chance to get used to. The free version of zoom allows you 40 minutes of meeting time. So at least you can use it 2 times. Other sites: Freeconferencecall, google hangout can also be used for online video conferencing. Those of you in corporate environment, please do use whatever is available to use for online meetings.

D6 & D106 Joint efforts

D6 and D106 are teaming up to help toastmasters in both districts to help with:·

  • Providing assistance with holding virtual area & division contests
  • Providing assistance with running online meetings
  • Training on how to run zoom meetings.

Handshakes or physical touch greetings

Handshakes and hugs are the core value of Minnesota greetings. Unfortunately, the covid19 virus has forced us to avoid human to human contact. In the past 7 days, I have extended my hand (as habit) and have been politely said no to handshakes. Let’s accept the seriousness as well as the awkwardness that Covid19 situation is causing. Let’s acknowledge that we all respect each other regardless of the human touch. So, let’s respect the wishes of not shaking hands during contests and our toastmaster events.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns.

Wishing you and your family a safe spring season ahead.

Thank you and sincerely

Ravi Rai
District 6 Director