Mentor of the Month

The Mentor program is available to all District 6 Toastmasters.
Anyone can nominate a Mentor to be considered for D6 Mentor of the Month.
The process is simple – send a 200 word description and a photo (1MB or Larger) of you and your mentor to the Mentor Chairperson.

The Winners are:

July, 2015 – Donna Lile

Donna Lile and Caroline Lyngstad
Donna Lile and Caroline Lyngstad

With a warm welcome from Donna (who was then VP of Membership), I walked through the doors to my first Toastmasters meeting in early 2013. It was the energy and positivity that I felt that stuck with me, compelling me to join this organization. When asked if I had any preferences for anyone in particular in mind for a mentor, I chose Donna, whose warmth and sincerity drew me out of my shell of shyness. Our TicTalkers Toastmasters Club refers to Donna as “The Mother of All TicTalkers” for many reasons, including her ability to nurture, care, support, and lead. Whenever I have concerns like “Does this speech offer insight, personality and heart? How do I inject more of my uniqueness into my own presentation?” Donna finds a way to bring out the best in me. I credit Donna – and her rousing cheers of “You can do it! I believe in you!” – for propelling me to success in the club, area, division, and district wins for the Toastmasters International Speech Contest and onto the semifinals of the World Championship of Public Speaking in 2014. Donna Lile inspires and guides me in Toastmasters and in life.

– Nominated by Caroline Lyngstad, TicTalkers Toastmasters Club 6348