District 6 Winter TLI


What is a TLI?

Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) provides Toastmasters from across our district an opportunity to share ideas and get inspired through FREE educational sessions, officer training, and other valuable programming.

When and where is the District 6 Winter TLI?

Saturday, February 22, 2020. (Note: new location)

UNFI (old Supervalu) Corporate Campus

11840 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344

What will happen at the TLI?

We have a full-day of programming specifically geared to our district members.

8:00 am – Registration • Light Breakfast • Exhibit Hall

9:00 — How to JUDGE a Speech Contest
D6 Chief Judge reviews successful strategies.

10:00 — How to WIN a Speech Contest
District International Speech contest champions share their winning secrets.
Kenzie Casciano • Kenny Ray Morgan • Mark Skipper

11:00 – Lunch • Networking • Exhibit Hall

12:30 — Officer Training — From Local Club to Global Organization: Your Leadership Matters
Region 4 International Director candidates spotlight the impact club leaders make.
Rob Christeson • Harold Osmundson • Linda Rhea

1:30 – D6 Awards and Recognition Ceremony

2:00 — Adjourn

Do I get credit for Officer Training if I attend?

While we believe the entire event is valuable for officers and members alike, to receive credit for officer training you must attend the 12:30 Officer Training session. Be sure to sign in so we have record of your attendance.

Are there other Officer Training sessions available?

Yes—please see our district calendar for dates. Always remember to sign in so you and your club receive credit.

What is the Magnificent Seven award?

The Magnificent Seven award is presented to clubs in which all 7 officers receive training in both rounds within a program year.  Clubs achieving this award demonstrate leadership, high standards, communication, and teamwork.  These are precisely the qualities that lead to outstanding clubs.
Magnificent Seven Awards will be distributed at the District Conference.

What’s for lunch?

An optional lunch is available for $10 (pay at the door). We will offer a Taco Bar buffet with vegetarian options (vegan available upon request).

Interactive Pathways Q&A

On July 1, 2020, Pathways becomes our official—and only—educational program. Are you and your clubs ready? We’ll have D6 Pathways experts ready to answer your questions and demonstrate how-to.

What’s Happening in the Exhibit Hall?

  •  Pathways, Base Camp, and FreeToastHost Forums

Have questions? Got answers? Share what you know while learning from others at this first-ever onsite forum. Laptops available for hands-on exploration.

  • Candidate Corners

Robert S. Christeson — Region 4 International Director candidate

Harold Osmundson — Region 4 International Director candidate

Linda M. Rhea — Region 4 International Director candidate

  • Advanced and Specialty Club Tables
  • Judging Corp

Questions about contest judging? Swing by for discussion and guidance.

Help us promote the TLI! Share these flyers with your clubs and friends:

Speech Contest Info

Toastmasters International Director Info

Volunteer Signup

New this year: Submit your question before the TLI!

