Reaching Out Sharing Energy Award Recipients (2012-2013)


All too often we focus on doing our jobs and we forget to recognize those people who put forth their efforts to enhance our great district. This year’s award recognition is Reaching Out Sharing Energy with the rose as the award. The trio will be traveling around the district all year presenting the award to people who have gone above and beyond the expected and provided outstanding service to our District.

Will You Be the next “Reaching Out Sharing Energy” Recipient?


Joan Watson and Pat Croal – May 18Each year New Division and Area Governors attend training to learn the District Guidelines and Objectives.  Our District Trainers have the challenge of presenting material that will, Educate, Motivate and Inspire our attendees.These two trainers moved the bar to a higher level this past year!  They met with the District Governor and the Lt Gov of Education and Training to plan the Best Sessions.  Ranging from, Power Point Presentations, On Line Web-training SWOT, U-tube videos of Great Leaders and everything in between, these 2 were not easily convinced to agree with less time for training to allow time for reports.There training agenda was carefully planned weeks prior to each session.  They know the focus of their training is to insure each of our Leaders receive the tools to help them become Distinguished.Joan Watson and Pat Croal are Past District Governors who know firsthand what is needed to Educate and Train our Leaders!It is with gratitude that I recognize their effort today by presenting them with this Rose Award!Presented by Lieutenant Governor Marketing Sharon Rollefson, DTM

Pat Croal and Joan Watson
Pat Croal and Joan Watson
Ecolab – Corporate Recognition Award – May 8

On March 8, Ecolab was presented a Corporate Recognition Award by Toastmasters International.  Prior to the event, efforts to have a photographer present to capture key aspects of the occasion were unsuccessful, and I decided to ask individual attendees to photograph the event.
Without prompting, planning and prior discussion, Paul Schneider (Escalate Toastmasters, Eagan)  arrived at the ceremony and offered to photograph the entire event.   Thanks to Paul’s proactive willingness to serve and share, the Award Ceremony was professionally capture d.
For Paul Schneider’s efforts of Reaching Out and Sharing his Energy, he is a District 6 ROSE.   Please join me in congratulating Paul Schneider on this award.
Award presented by:
Clinton Hunt, Jr., Ph.D., DTM,
Lieutenant Governor of Marketing

Paul Schneider and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Paul Schneider and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Duane Noto and Craig Brubaker – May 4Toastmasters is an Organization that Speaks in more than one venue, as our two District Photographers have clearly captured the art of “Visually Speaking.” (also the name of Craig’s home club at Lifetouch).
These two gentlemen have attended many events and have moved quietly among our members this year, to capture the “Kodak Moments.”
The endless Hours and days (our conventions last 2 days) of dedication and service to our Toastmaster Organization is a busy and arduous commitment to excellence.This Rose Award is in Recognition and Thank You to Craig Brubaker and Duane Noto for their tireless effort to capture District 6 Visually.Sharon L. Rollefson, DTM
Lt. Gov. Education and Training
District 6 Toastmasters

Duane Noto, 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson, and Craig Brubaker
Duane Noto, 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson, and Craig Brubaker
Greg Schultz – April 27Presented by Sue McCoy
International Division Governor 2012-2013One day the phone rings.  A voice states ‘this is your District Governor – we need your help’.  The voice on the other end of the line enthusiastically accepts the call to action.  His area clubs needed help collecting and submitting dues.  As Area 33 Governor, Greg Scholz had to drive 70 miles one way, to visit his clubs.  He did just that.  Greg went to several club meetings, built rapport with his area counsel and club members.  Dues were brought in…just in time.Greg, thank you for Reaching Out Sharing Energy, expressing passion and taking action by answering a  call for help!

Sue McCoy and Greg Scholz
Sue McCoy and Greg Scholz
Catherine Rai Cardenuto and Ravi Rai – April 25Presented by Laurie Buchberger
Rivers Division Governor 2012-2013

Ravi Rai, Laurie Buchberger and Cathrine Rai Cardenuto
Ravi Rai, Laurie Buchberger and Cathrine Rai Cardenuto
Jeff Lee – April 24Presented by Glen de Guzman
2012-2013 Metro Division Governor

2012-2013 Metro Division Governor Glen de Guzman and Area 46 Governor Jeff Lee
2012-2013 Metro Division Governor Glen de Guzman and Area 46 Governor Jeff Lee
Linda Schweiss – April 20We join Toastmasters International for many reasons. Then we realized how much we changed while working our path through the Competent Communicator and the Competent Leadership Books. I recently joined a TM Club and found a jewel there. Linda Schweiss has been an Area and Division Governor and helped develop the TM Clubs at Schwan’s in Marshall, MN. Her passion for Toastmasters didn’t end there. Her passion for developing new TM Club’s thrives inside of her. You might ask “Why?” She knows how Toastmasters has changed her life and wants others to experience that growth.Linda Schweiss is a member of the New Ulm Toastmasters Club.Presented by Jane Rischmiller
Youth Leadership Co-chair

Jane Rischmiller and Linda Schweiss
Jane Rischmiller and Linda Schweiss
David Pearson – April 20Presented by Jean Pearson
Southern Division Governor

David Pearson and Jean Pearson
David Pearson and Jean Pearson
Sarah Bakken – April 17Presented by Colbert Fong
Northern Division Governor

Sarah Bakken and 2012-2013 Northern Division Governor Colbert Fong
Sarah Bakken and 2012-2013 Northern Division Governor Colbert Fong
Dave Basham – April 16Presented by Daniel Grundtner
Frontier Division Governor

Dan Grundtner and Dave Basham
Dan Grundtner and Dave Basham
Brad Reuvers – April 11Presented by Jean McAllister
Eastern Division Governor

Jean McAllister, Brad Reuvers and Dru Jorgensen
Jean McAllister, Brad Reuvers and Dru Jorgensen
Paul Lyons & Dave Shaal – April 9With time running out for the division contest, and several choices already booked or not able to accommodate us, I approached Dave Schaal of Luncheon Linguists about holding it at Donaldson Company.He immediately made the arrangements to have a room available for us, and even though he was not able to attend, was able to recruit fellow club member Paul Lyons to help.Dave and Paul made sure things went smoothly. They arranged to have the room ready and set up, and coordinated with building security to make sure that we were able to start on time.For that, the ROSE award was presented to both Paul Lyons and Dave Schaal for their efforts in making sure we had a successful contest.Presented by Eric McBrayer
Central Division Governor

Paul Lyons and 2012-2013 Central Division Governor Eric McBrayer
Paul Lyons and 2012-2013 Central Division Governor Eric McBrayer
Marvel Kummer – April 8Marvel Kummer has been my rock this year as the Northern and Western District Training Coordinator.  In preparation for this contest, we have gone through three changes in Chief Judges.  One change due to a decision to run for District Office, the second occurring the day before the contest due to illness.  There was no one but Marvel i would even consider asking with such short notice.  Yet, when asked at 8:00 am on the day of the contest, being the amazing woman she is, Marvel said yes, seemingly without hesitation.Presented by Colleen Hamilton
Western Division Governor

Marvel Kummer and 2012-2013 Western Division Governor Colleen Hamilton
Marvel Kummer and 2012-2013 Western Division Governor Colleen Hamilton
Jane Rischmiller – April 6One of the great things about Toastmasters is that it gives people the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by taking on new and bigger challenges.  Key to the success of these new leaders is a strong support network of experienced mentors that they can turn to for help and guidance.Over the last nine months there is one name that has come up again and again as the go-to person in the Prairie Division, and that name is Jane Rischmiller.  For her willingness to reach out and share experience, Jane is a District 6 ROSE!Presented by Jon Chalmers
Prairie Division Governor

2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen, Jane Rischmiller, and 2012-2013 Prairie Division Governor Jon Chalmers
2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen, Jane Rischmiller, and 2012-2013 Prairie Division Governor Jon Chalmers
Georgia Thometz – March 6


While attending Calsonic’s 10 year anniversary party, our next Rose Award recipient was honored.

Georgia Thometz has shared her enthusiasm and passion for Toastmasters since the beginning of the club’s journey.  Personally, I met Georgia while serving as Western division governor 2008-2009.  Georgia stepped beside me to mentor and support my growth.  While serving as District governor, Georgia continues to mentor and support District leaders, Western Division and new clubs.


Georgia thank you for reaching out sharing your energy this year!

Georgia Thometz Rose Award
Georgia Thometz and 2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen
Betty Burke – February 21

Centennial Toastmasters Club is now chartered.  However, long before the Centennial Toastmasters Club became a reality, Betty reached out to the Chief Information Officer for the state of Minnesota about starting a Toastmasters Club in the IT Department.  She diligently followed up with Sandra Marks (MNiT) to keep the initiative alive, all the while, keeping me in the loop.  Overall, without Betty’s persistence, engagement and focus, District 6’s sixth chartered club would not have happened.  For her efforts in almost single handedly bringing this new club into existence, Betty is one of District 6’s newest R.O.S.E award recipients.
Congratulations and thanks, Betty.
Clinton Hunt, Jr., Ph.D., DTM,
Lieutenant Governor of Marketing

Betty Burke and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Betty Burke and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Sandra Marks – February 21

Sandra took the baton from Betty and moved the process along by scheduling a meeting with the state’s Communications team to promote at Toastmasters Club within the state of Minnesota’s Department of Information Technology.  Additionally, Sandra attended and participated in the Kick-Off meeting, helped secure the finances for the club and participated in subsequent meetings prior to chartering.  Sandra went above and beyond to make this communication and leadership development opportunity available to those in her workplace. 
Carolyn Parnell, CIO, MN.IT Services, State of Minnesota, is the executive sponsor for this Club.

Clinton Hunt, Jr., Ph.D., DTM,
Lieutenant Governor of Marketing

Sandra Marks and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Sandra Marks and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Shirley Daniel – February 9 As Decorating Chair, Shirley thought her role was to decorate Fall Conference and Spring Convention. Not true.  As Shirley’s creative mind went to work she thought about the TLI’s.  Our February TLI just had to be about ‘red and hearts’ exclaimed Shirley.  She turned a dull banquet hall into a festive event.Finally, the day of TLI February 9th, as District Governor, I was in and out of the banquet hall preparing for the lunch program.  One time, I overheard Shirley share her story with Marjorie Johnson while they spent the entire morning setting up the room.  A week prior to the event, every day while sitting on her living room floor, Shirley assembled flowers, graphics, and other items to decorate the tables.Shirley, thank you for going above and beyond to create a festive event for all members and guests attending the TLI! 

2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen, Shirley Daniels, and 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson
2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen, Shirley Daniel, and 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson
Jill Nauman – February 9Being Chair for Toastmasters Leadership Institute is a very important multi-facet opportunity to test your organizational skills to the maximum.In July Jill Nauman set about organizing, coordinating and initiation the Hotel Staff with the logistics for TLI, including room locations, meals and prices.Next she communicated to the District Webmaster and District Leaders, the dates, venue, opening the appeal for presenters and volunteers all the while keeping track that we meet our requirements to break even for the cost of TLI.In December, Jill started the second round TLI preparations, emails, phone calls, hotel walk thru, sound, projector and screen equipment, location for presentations, on-line registration, Details, Details, and more Details.Jill always followed up every meeting and phone call with a detailed report of what happened and who is responsible to do the following: (our names and our assignments carefully and clearly detailed.When snow threatened to derail our Keynote Speaker, Jill’s reply to me was “YIKES!!!!”.I never worried about this TLI venue, I knew not only were we in “good hands, but in Excellent hands with Jill in charge.I cannot adequately express in words, my gratitude to Jill for her Outstanding Service to the District.  Therefore, I would like to present her with a Rose Award as a reminder of her ability to always Reach Out and Share her Energy, not once but twice this Toastmaster year!Sharon Rollefson, DTM, LGET District 6 Toastmasters

2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson and 2012-2013 District TLI Chair Jill Nauman
2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson and 2012-2013 District TLI Chair Jill Nauman
Dru Jorgensen – December 1Club Building, Club Strengthening and member retention are three of the responsibilities tasked to the Lieutenant Governor of Marketing and the marketing team.  To accomplish these tasks and assure that we reach the goal of being a distinguished district, many volunteers and dedicated leaders are required.  Our district is fortunate to have such a leader as Dru Jorgensen at its helm.One example of dedicated leadership by Dru, involved a prospective new club.  At the last minute, I received notice that the group was holding a meeting and needed experienced toastmasters to fill key roles.  None of our designated Kick-Off team members could attend this meeting, due to scheduling conflicts.  When I contacted Dru and informed her of the situation, without hesitation, Dru rearranged her schedule to make this meeting.  Without her dedication, desire to serve and flexibility, I would have been the only experienced toastmaster present.  This is just one reason that Dru is one of our latest Rose Award recipients.Dru, on behalf of the entire marketing team, thank you for being a R.O.S.E.!Clinton Hunt, Jr., Ph.D., DTM,
Lieutenant Governor of Marketing

2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Marjorie Johnson – December 1We have many volunteers that help District 6 run smoothly.  Often times you will see their name mentioned in our District Directory, but many more times they are working quietly behind the scene.  They are the ones who step up in service without ever taking a bow for the immeasurable contributions they make.Those of us who attended the Fall Conference were please by the table decorations and the attention to detail that made each of the weekend long events, pleasant and festive.  The person responsible for this took over the job when the coordinator became ill and could not attend the conference.Marjorie Johnson, upon hearing this drove to the coordinators house picked up the table decorations and drove north to Brainerd.  Marjorie marshaled a team of Toastmasters and skillfully put together the “fall festive decorations.”You will often find Marjorie behind the scenes lending help at pining corsages on the line up of Officers or offering a word of encouragement, a pleasant smile and patience beyond belief.In recognition of Marjorie Johnson’s ongoing help I am presenting her this “Rose Award”!Thank You Marjorie!Sharon Rollefson, DTM, LGET

2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson, Marjorie Johnson, and 2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen
Dan Field – November 16Rose Award given on 11/16 to Dan Field Celebrating 40 years as a Toastmaster, Dan Field and friends gathered for a Roast and Praise event on Friday, November 16th.

  • Dan Field received the Rose Award for his participation at the Fall Conference in Brainerd, MN on October 19-20, 2012.  At the Saturday evening banquet , Dan sang the Canadian and Star Spangled Banner anthems.
  • The District is also recognizing Dan for his efforts, support and mentoring of Area 24 Governor, Laura Richardson.

Dan, thank you for sharing your passion for Toastmasters!

2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen and Dan Field
Marvel Kummer – October 23Tuesday, October 23 – Marvel Kummer on behalf of Northern and Western Divisions Presented by Dru and Colbert Marvel has been helping both of Colleen Hamilton and Colbert Fong since the start of this toastmasters year, helping both the Western and Northern Divisions for officers training, club visits and speech contests. It would be a lot more difficult for us without Marvel’s help. Marvel thank you for sharing your energy with us and our members!Response from Marvel’s home club, Words of Mouth: On behalf of Words of Mouth, I want to thank you for attending our meeting last night and presenting Marvel with an award that was earned and greatly deserved. She is such an asset to our club and I appreciate you choosing her for this award. We are all proud of the success that Marvel has achieved through Toastmasters and she is a testament of the benefits of Toastmasters and how it will make each of us successful in improving our speaking skills.Thank you again!!Rodney Rogstad
Words of Mouth Club President

2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen, Marvel Kummer, 2012-1013 Northern Division Governor Colbert Fong
Margaret Brunner – October 22Few people know the countless hours that go into preparing for Fall Conference. All of the logistics for the Conference are carefully scripted, for everyone participating in any part of the Conference. From the moment we arrive on Friday until we leave on Sunday, everything and everyone is on a time schedule and a location schedule. All of these pieces must be recorded, and reviewed.  Careful attention is paid to even the smallest detail. There are phone calls, emails and in person conference meetings. This Fall Conference one person stands out as the Script Controller Extraordinary, MARGARET BRUNNER! Margaret spent a lot of her time and talent to ensure that each of us would be on the right page, the same page, at the same time. Then she showed up with her team of Sargent At Arms and made sure it all happened as planned. I would like to Thank You Margret and present you with this Rose Award for all you have done above and beyond for District 6!Presented by:Sharon Rollefson, DTM, LGET
October 21, 2012

2012-2013 District 6 Co-Sergeant At Arms Margaret Brunner, 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson
Diane Windingland – October 20Last year, a certain District Leader, informed me that her job was to coordinate the ‘free’ media and marketing opportunities promoting Toastmasters in our geography. Upon hearing this, I promptly donated an Expo exhibiting opportunity to the District heaping a bit more work on her plate. She and a Toastmaster friend spent two hours talking to people about the organization. At that event they connected 12 people with opportunities to visit Clubs.Then M3 was born! Engagements with the Metro Business Community and investments by the M3 project suddenly made a whole lot more things ‘free’! This Leader promptly set out a plan to study the bounty of PR opportunities which lay before her. She quickly and decisively created schedules and strategies to capitalize on every opportunity. She has not missed a chance to promote existing Clubs and support the process of seeding new ones.Additionally, she has agreed to lead a small team of Toastmasters who are acting as liaisons to the St Paul Business Community. For her personal efforts well beyond her job description and the overall level of professionalism that characterizes everything she does; I am honored to be allowed to make this presentation. Please join me in recognizing our latest ROSE award winner: DISTRICT 6 PRO; DTM; DIANE WINDINGLAND!!!!!Diane, Thanks for REACHING OUT AND SHARING YOUR ENERGY!!!!!Award presented by Joe Brauer, 2012-2013 Multi-Media team member and Resource Center Chair.

Kim Windingland, DTM and 2012-2013 Public Relations Officer Diane Windingland
Kim Windingland, DTM and 2012-2013 Public Relations Officer Diane Windingland
Jim Kickul – October 20For his assistance in building new clubs.Award presented by: Clinton Hunt, DTM, LGM

2012-2013 Club Extension Chair - Minneapolis Area Jim Kickul and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
2012-2013 Club Extension Chair – Minneapolis Area Jim Kickul and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Larry Marik – October 20Larry received the ROSE award at the 2012 Fall Conference for his hard work and dedication on our updated District 6 website.Award presented by: District Governor Dru Jorgensen, DTM

2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen and 2012-2013 Web Editor Larry Marik
2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen and 2012-2013 Web Editor Larry Marik
Emma Frost – October 19While attending District Leader training in Orlando, Florida, Lt. Governors Education & Training (LGET) connect, share stories and build relationships.  District 64 which serves Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario’s LGET, Emma Frost and District 6’s LGET, Sharon Rollefson bonded.  While sharing District 6 updates, such as Fall Speech Contests, Sharon said she was looking for a guest speaker.  Sharon’s friend, Emma Frost immediately volunteered!Emma, thank you for sharing your time and energy with us.

Emma Frost and Sharon Rollefson
Emma Frost and Sharon Rollefson
Sandi Robarge – October 10Sandi Robarge received the Rose award at Metro Division Contest. Sandi Robarge was the first Area Governor in Metro Division to volunteer as a Club Coach. During the first round of Officer Training, she made sure that all clubs under her area has at least 4 officers trained. 2 of the clubs under her area has 7 officers trained. She attended and assisted in 6 of the 7 area contests in the Metro Division. She even helped out in a double area contest in Northern Division. When I sent out an email for volunteers for roles for the Metro Division Contest, Sandi was the first person to step up and volunteered for the most important role of Contest Toastmaster. Sandi showed a lot of passion, energy and enthusiasm in her role as Area Governor. Congratulations and thank you, Sandi.- Glen de Guzman, 2012-2013 Metro Division Governor

Sandi Robarge, 2012-2013 Metro Division Governor Glen DeGuzman, 2012-2013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen
Kathryn Keeler – October 6Following the realignment of District 6 the Prairie Division found itself with a new area, 66, but no Area Governor to go along with it.  With time running out to appoint an AG, incoming District Governor Dru Jorgensen had an inspired idea: with a new area why not a new Toastmaster to lead it? The new Toastmaster she had in mind was Kathryn Keeler, who had joined Dru’s Midday Mumblers club just 4 months earlier.  While most Toastmasters are still learning meeting roles after just 4 months, Kathryn rose to the challenge of district leadership and accepted the position.Leading an area made up of clubs moved from other areas would be a daunting task for an experienced Toastmaster, but Kathryn didn’t let that deter her.  An added challenge was a club that was no longer responding to inquiries from the district.  Kathryn was relentless in her efforts to re-establish contact, an effort that was ultimately successful in re-engaging the club.Kathryn finished her club visits early and contacted each club to follow up after her visited.  She aggressively carried through on her commitments to each club, and made sure they got the help and answers they asked for.  Throughout all of this she exuded a positive, upbeat, contagiously enthusiastic attitude that has energized her clubs.Kathryn has truly Reached Out and Shared Energy. She may be a new Toastmaster and Area Governor, but we can all learn from her approach to governing her area, which is why she is a Rose Award recipient.2012-2013 Prairie Division Governor Jon Chalmers

Prairie Division Governor Jon Chalmers and Kathryn Keeler
Prairie Division Governor Jon Chalmers and Kathryn Keeler
Ruth Alliband – October 4Ruth Alliband is a charter member of The Minnesota Returned Peace Corps Volunteers TM club 1284.  I have watched her grow in TM since joining over ten years ago.  She has been an active TM in many fields including, youth leadership, club president, two time VP of ED, and mentor to many members.She took my place at the District Governor training in August when I was on vacation, and under fire to get more club officers trained, took on the position of Frontier Leutenant Governor of training and mustered forces to get club officer training conducted in area 26, which was missing.This years Frontier Division ROSE award goes to Ruth Alliband, DTM.2012-2013 Prairie Frontier Division Governor Daniel Grundtner

Ruth Alliband and Frontier Division Governor Dan Grundtner
Ruth Alliband and Frontier Division Governor Dan Grundtner
Shikha Goodwin – October 2With the deadline fast approaching for the Central Division Contest, many of the places I approached were not able to provide a facility for our needs. When Shikha Goodwin, president of Lunch Bunch, heard about this, she immediately booked the auditorium at the VA Medical center and effectively said “Room’s Booked…what else do you need.” She arranged to have someone available and did everything she could to make sure we had a successful contest. In addition she made sure that the contest was advertised in the VA Medical center’s internal news-letter. And although Shikha and I did not meet until the night of the Area 1 contest, she confirmed and offered any help she could. So for her “11th Hour” saving of the Central Division Contest, I wanted to make sure she was rewarded!- Eric McBrayer, 2012-2013 Central Division Governor

2012-2013 Central Division Governor Eric McBrayer and Shikha Goodwin.
Stephen Shaner – September 29Toastmaster Stephen Shaner was the recipient of the Rose Award at the International Division Speech Contest on September 29th held in Grand Rapids, MN. Stephen is recognized for his many awesome contributions to District 6. His dedication and enthusiasm reaching out to others has touched and inspired many people. In the past year he has lent his expertise with helping another complete their High Performance Leadership Project. At a Chamber of Commerce event in Duluth he promoted Toastmasters. More recently he has successfully lead the organization and chartering of the new Zenith City Club. Several members of that club have caught on to his enthusiasm and have since stepped outside of their club to participate in District 6 activities to include speech contests! He has been involved with Toastmasters International as an Ambassador for District 6 connecting us to a higher level. In his spare time Stephen has been a mentor to the International Division Governor answering desperate late night calls just to name a few of the things he has done. This is an award well deserved.Congratulations Stephen!- Sue McCoy, 2012-2013 International Division Governor

2012-2013 Region 4 Advisor Stephen Shaner and 2012-2013 Lieutenent Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
2012-2013 Region 4 Advisor Stephen Shaner and 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Marketing Clinton Hunt
Don Rollefson – September 27The role of District Treasurer requires detail orientation, accounting knowledge and 10-20 hours of effort per week.  Don Rollefson volunteered to fill the role this year.  His attitude is ‘I am here to serve’,  a statement he shared at Area & Division Governor training sessions.  An area, in which Don took on, as a challenge, was the District budget.  Though the District Governor is responsible for the budget, Don chose to share the load by gathering past budgets from BJ Olsen, Terry Ragan and George Deliduka.  Plus input from me.  Several meetings later a draft budget was ready for review by the Trio (Sharon, Clinton and Dru).  Final budget was signed by all and sent to Toastmasters on time. Don thank you for stepping up to help, learn and grow!  You are a District 6 Rose!

2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training Sharon Rollefson and 2012-2013 District Treasurer Don Rollefson
Brian Nelson – September 27Award was presented to Area 76 Governor Brian Nelson by Division Governor Laurie Buchberger at the Rivers Division Speech Contest.  Brian has always gone above and beyond at his home club, Blue Toasters.   He is one of the driving forces of the club’s success (President’s Distinguished every year) and is known in Area 75 as one who is always there to help out.  Brian hit a rough patch in early September and instead of giving up, he came back stronger than  ever.  He was Chief Judge for three other Area Governors as well as chairing his own contest.  Also, he supported the Rivers Division Contest in so many ways that he earned the title of Contest Co-Chair.  You earned this, Brian.  You are appreciated.- Laurie Buchberger, 2012-1013 Rivers Division Governor

2012-2013 Area 76 Governor Brian Nelson and 2012-1013 Rivers Division Governor Laurie Buchberger
Kristine Campbell – September 26On Wednesday, September 26th, Kristine Campbell was presented the Rose Award at the Northern Division Fall Contest. Kristine reached out to Colbert Fong right after he was elected as the Northern Division Governor in April, and offered her help to host the Fall Contest at Allianz. She shared her energy and passion, took actions to assist everyone in the Northern Division above and beyond. Northern Division has a remarkable result of officers trained along with a great Division Contest!Kristine, we are proud of you. Thank you so much!- Colbert Fong, 2012-1013 Northern Division Governor

2012-1013 Northern Division Governor Colbert Fong and Kristine Campbell
2012-1013 Northern Division Governor Colbert Fong and Kristine Campbell
Dan Vesey – September 25Dan Vesey was instrumental in securing a location and volunteers for the Eastern Division Fall contest. He did this all with passion and enthusiasm from start to finish. Dan was especially good at communicating during the whole process to ensure everyone was kept abreast of what was completed and what remained outstanding. He was great to work with, always cheerful and positive from planning to completion.Thanks Dan!- Jean McAllister, 2012-1013 Eastern Division Governor

2012-1013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen, Dan Vesey, 2012-1013 Eastern Division Governor Jean McAllister
Karen Constantinides – September 24Western Division Rose Award Recipient: Karen Constantinides, Lifetouch, Visually Speaking Club. First, it was hard to pick one person from Lifetouch, Visually Speaking to honor as the whole club was extremely supportive of our Western Division contest. I chose Karen because she was the contact person who worked with me to ensure that all of the logistical details for the night were covered. She coordinated an amazing spread of hot and cold appetizers, desserts and beverages, all donated by the club. We had worked out all of the details of the room set-up in advance, They even went to the trouble to sound test the holding room options for the evaluation contestants to ensure that the room was far enough away to not hear the other presenters. It was such a blessing to have Karen to work with. She had everything covered, seemingly before I could even think to ask.- Colleen Hamilton, 2012-2013 Western Division Governor

Karen Constantinides and 2012-2013 Western Division Governor Colleen Hamilton
Terry Ragan – September 22Terry Ragan receives ROSE award at Southern Division Speech Contest.

2012-1013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen, Terry Ragan, 2012-2013 Southern Division Governor Jean Pearson
Theo Black – September 15During the Parliamentary Procedures Club meeting, Theo Black received the Rose Award.   We are recognizing Theo’s efforts as a candidate for Second Vice President, at the Toastmasters International Convention.  As a representative of District 6, fellow District governors and their Lieutenants approached me, recounting their positive interactions with Theo and his campaign team. Theo’s strategic vision and strong leadership skills were shared with everyone. Theo, District 6 is proud of you. Thank you for tirelessly Reaching Out Sharing Energy, expressing your passion for the global toastmaster organization and taking action to be an International Officer candidate.

2012-1013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen and Theo Black
Mary Swanson – September 14On Friday, September 14th, Super Speakers Toastmaster Club meeting, Mary Swanson was presented the Rose Award. While at the International Convention, in August, Mary met with Toastmaster members from across the world.  As an International Director candidate, she shared wisdom and knowledge with fellow members. During the Candidate Showcase, Mary’s growth was evident.  She was strong, confident and provided possible solutions for difficult issues. Mary boldly represented District 6. Mary we are proud of you. Thank you for sharing your passion and taking action to step out of your comfort zone to be an International Director candidate.

Mary Swanson and 2012-1013 District Governor Dru Jorgensen
Kris Wilson – August 1During the 2011-2013 Toastmaster years, Lockheed Martin Company went through a downsizing and restructuring phase.  The Maximizers Toastmasters club members were impacted by the changes. They became a struggling club!  One member, gathered strength from within to move the club ahead, she encouraged club to continue meeting on a regular basis.   As Club President, Kris Wilson brought in reinforcements from her Area and Division Governors.  Kris motivated and encouraged employees and contractors in the building to join Toastmasters.Kris thank you for your diligence and perseverance paid off!
Kris Wilson receives Rose Award
Dru Jorgensen, Kris Wilson and Maximizers Club