200 South 6th St
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Please join us for a night of speeches and table topics. Come cheer on your area winners as they compete to advance to the District 6 Speech Contest on April 29th.
Registration begins at 5pm. The contest will start promptly at 6pm. Sandwiches will be provided. Donations are greatly appreciated to help cover contest expenses. Please RSVP your name and party size to Ge Lee, by any one of these means:
1. email: zeblis@gmail.com with “RSVP Division H Contest” in the subject line.
2. phone: 651-325-8073
3. Our eventbrite page: http://divisionhspringcontest.
RSVPs will help ensure adequate refreshments for everyone.
Lastly, please take a minute to say a word of thanks to our contest host, the Five Star Speakers Toastmasters Club of US Bank.