Fall Conference 2014 Speech Contest Results

Speech Contest at ConferenceAnd the winners are…

The 2014 Fall Conference features Table Topics and Humorous Speech Contests.

Humorous Speech Contest Winners:
First Place: Raymond Norton
Second Place: Kai Knutson
Third Place: Harold Osmundson


Table Topics Contest Winners:
First Place: Casey Peterson
Second Place: Dan Livengood
Third Place: Catherine Rai Cardenuto


See pictures from the Fall Conference at our Flickr site
There is a special set for slideshow from the Humorous Contest and the Table Topics Contest. Use the slideshow icon at the top-right above the pictures.
We have the photos also posted in the District 6 Toastmasters Facebook Group Page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/District6/.

The following is a list of the winners that will advance to the District from each Division:

Table Topics
Division 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Central  Dan Livengood  Joe Eiler  Helen Gogoud
Eastern  Jim Chladek  Paul Mordorski  Muneish Khandelwal
Frontier  Keith Hardy  James Reyerson  Judi Holloway
International  Stephen Shaner  Janet Fuchek  Susan Laura Scholz
Metro  Allison McGuire  Casey Peterson  George Deliduka
Northern  David Smith  Courtney Jahnke  Jessica Lee
Prairie  Dale Vander Linden  Jeff Cordes  Ryan Barette
Rivers  Catherine Rai Cardenuto  Kimberly Alschlager  Jason Saari
Southern  Terry Hefferan  Jeff Burns  Pam Hollrah-Asleson
Western  Joe Meyers  Shannon Johnson  Chris Read
Humorous Contests
Division 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Central  Helen Gogoud  Chase Hippen  Hugh Sherry
Eastern  Tina Bellamy  Keith Hardy  Lori O’Neill
Frontier  Kai Knutson  Wanny Huynh  Jim Peterson
International  Stephen Shaner  Teri Cadeau  Deanna Ford
Metro  Anant Narayanan  Kelly Champagne  Laura Joswiak
Northern  Harold Osmundson  Edith Terwey  Jessica Lee
Prairie  Raymond Norton  Ryan Barette  Michael Bolton
Rivers  Kimberly Alschlager  David Stangel  NA
Southern  Don Scott  Ann Maxfieled  Pam Gnagy
Western  Betty Liedtke  Joe Meyers  Chris Hannon