
What is a Speech-a-Thon?

A Speech-a-Thon is just like it sounds – a speech marathon! Okay, so sneakers are not required. But do you find yourself in a race to hit the finish line with a new award, only to see that time is quickly ticking by and you still have a couple (or more) speeches yet to give, and cannot fit them into your club’s agenda before the deadline? Your club might want to think about hosting a Speech-a-Thon event. You can even partner with other clubs to hold something like this. It is a great way to give members a chance to finish up those last few speeches and get credit before the end of the Toastmasters year, which is June 30. However you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to hold a Speech-a-Thon; you can do this anytime of the year. Click on the Read More link below to learn more about Speech-a-Thons as well as any upcoming events.

How to Ensure a Successful Speech-a-Thon

Following are some tips to consider when hosting the event:

  • Start planning ahead of time for the best success
  • Advertise on your Club website
  • Request that participants R.S.V.P. to help you plan
  • Submit a calendar request to D6TM
  • You might consider having light refreshments and charging a nominal fee or requesting donations to help cover costs
  • This is a great press opportunity for your club to use to invite outside guests; advertise in your local paper!
  • Think about requiring each speaker to evaluate another speaker – this helps ensure a smoothly-run event
  • Most importantly, make it fun for all who are participating and attending!