Spring Convention 2015 – Awards

Awards from the Spring Convention will be posted here when they become available.

In Toastmasters, we love to give awards to those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills. Awards to be presented at the Spring Convention include the following:

  • Lou Novak Award – This award is presented annually to a District 6 Toastmaster who has demonstrated excellence in Club Building. Please visit the Lou Novak Award page for more details including the nomination form.
  • Don Murray Award – This award is presented annually to a member who has made significant contributions to the District, outside of his or her own club, while not serving as a District Officer. Please visit the Don Murray Award page for more details including the nomination form.
  • Lorin Pollmann Award This award is presented annually for Excellence in Speechcraft. Please visit the Lorin Pollmann Award page for more details including the nomination form.
  • Keith Hardy Youth Leadership Award This award is presented annually Keith Hardy Youth Leadership Award is presented to a club that has held at least two Youth Leadership Programs. Please visit the Keith Hardy Youth Leadership Award page for more details including the nomination form.
  • Communication and Leadership Award The Communication and Leadership Award (aka C&L Award) goes to a person (non-toastmaster) or organization that does a significant contribution to the community. Please visit the Communication and Leadership Award page for more details including the nomination form.
  • PR Contests 2012-2013Spring Public Relations Contest – These awards are presented to those clubs who excel in the area of PR, including best website, newsletter, flyer/brochure, press release/news article and guest packet. You must enter your club in order to be eligible as we don’t go searching for you! We know there is a lot of creativity out there, so let’s have a record year for entries! Please visit the PR Contest page for more details including the nomination form.

Submissions due by April 1, 2015.

Direct link to page:

Lou Novak AwardDon Murray AwardLorin Pollmann AwardKeith Hardy Youth Leadership AwardCommunication and Leadership Award