Spring Convention 2013 – Award Results

Awards from the Spring Convention will be posted here when they become available.

In Toastmasters, we love to give awards to those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills. Awards to be presented at the Spring Convention include the following:

    • Lou Novak Award – This award is presented annually to a District 6 Toastmaster who has demonstrated excellence in Club Building. Please visit the Lou Novak Award page for more details including a link to the nomination form. Nominations are due by April 1st and should be submitted to District Governor Dru Jorgensen.


    • Don Murray Award – This award is presented annually to a member who has made significant contributions to the District, outside of his or her own club, while not serving as a District Officer. Please visit the Don Murray Award page for more details including a link to the nomination form. Nominations are due by April 1st and should be submitted to District Governor Dru Jorgensen.


    • Lorin Pollmann Award:

      Eloquent Engineers Club # 8133, from Area 53, received the award for the following reasons:

      • OUTSTANDING marketing brochure.
      • CREATIVE club motivational materials with the “Post-it” campaign.
      • PERSISTENCE in their endeavors to execute the program over multiple years.
      • TEAM EFFORT in developing and executing the program
      • RETENTION of Speechcraft attendees with 1 in 2012 and potential 3 in 2013.

      Nicholas Hall from received this award on behalf of his club. 


    • 2013 C & L Award Recipient - People Serving People and Youth Leadership Award Recipient - Keith Hardy (2nd from left)
      2013 C & L Award Recipient – People Serving People and Youth Leadership Award Recipient – Keith Hardy (2nd from left)

      Keith Hardy Youth Leadership Award:

      This newly created award was presented to Keith Hardy for his service with the Youth Leadership Program.


    • C & L Award Winner:

      This award was presented to Patricia Zahra and Mallory Haugen from People Serving People.  Find out more information in the attached document:  C&L Spring 2013 award