DD Msg 2020-04-04

Text of Email sent to President & Vice President of Education of D6 Clubs on 4-Apr-2020

Hi fellow toastmaster 

Hope you are doing well and are safe. This year we all are having a unique experience as leaders in the Toastmasters Organization. 

We will have our annual district council meeting on Saturday May 9, at 10:30 AM. Since you are serving as President or Vice President of your club, you are part of the District Council. We need your support to conduct the virtual council.

Please register for the conference and indicate your office (President and/or VPE)


Following registration, you will receive link to atttend the meeting as well as instructions on how to vote. 

Busniess meeting includes election of officers for the 2020-2021 Toastmaster year.   

The District Leadership committee has evaluated the candidates running for District office in 2020-2021 and nominated the following candidates :

  • Program Quality Director: Deb Luu
  • Club Growth Director: Linda Dorn
  • Division C Director: Troy Dukart
  • Division E Director: Tara Bolanda
  • Division F Director: Goutham Putta
  • Division M Director: Mike Dupris

Any eligible candidate can run from the floor for the following District office positions: 

  • Division Director
  • Club Growth Director
  • Division D Director
  • Division N Director (if proposed per alignment & passed by the district)

Other business items such as realignment will also be presented. 

So lets plan on meeting for virtual council on Saturday May 9, 2020 at 10:30 am.

Hope you can register so we can setup the registration & voting system. I look forward to your support. Please let me know if you have any question.

Thank you and sincerely

Ravi Rai

District 6 Director (2019-20)