2015 District 6 Fall Conference – Schedule of Events

Please Note: Times are not finalized and subject to change without notice!

Link to Fall Conference (main page)

High Level Schedule:

Friday, October 16th

4:30 PM Registration Opens
5:30 PM First Timers Meeting
6:00 PM Opening Ceremonies & Buffet

  • Parade of Banners
  • Great Northwoods Buffet
  • Kelly Nielsen, Region Advisor – Keynote

8:00 PM Grand Pie Bar
8:00 PM The Roast

  • Come to the roasting of Immediate Past District Governor, Clinton Hunt! You won’t want to miss it!

9:30 PM Campfire Storytelling, Bonfire and Smore’s bar
10:00 PM Meet & Greet with Grub

Saturday, October 17th

6:45 AM Humorous Speech Contest briefings (Contestants, Judges, Timers, Ballot Counters)
7:45 AM Grand Breakfast Buffet & Keynote
9:00 AM Humorous Speech Contest

11:00 AM District Council Meeting (aka Business Meeting)
12:15 PM Hot Sandwich Luncheon Program and Awards Ceremony
1:45 PM Educational Sessions
2:55 PM Educational Sessions
4:00 PM Resort Free Time
4:00 PM 25 Year Club Meeting
5:30 PM Wine tasting & gourmet chocolate (Optional: Bring a bottle to pass)
6:00 PM Photo Opportunity
6:45 PM Dinner Banquet (Don’t forget to wear your Plaid to the banquet!!!)

  • Dinner Banquet (Broiled Walleye / Beef Pot Roast / Chef’s Choice Vegetarian)
  • Keynote

8:45 PM Plaidurday Night Fever Celebration

    • Ice Cream & Brownie Bar
    • Plaidurday Night Fever Costume Contest
      There will be costume contests for: “Best Ethnic”, “Best Northwoods”, and “Most Outrageous” plaid outfits
    • Game night

Sunday, October 18th

8:00 AM District Conference Team Breakfast
8:00 AM Breakfast Buffet (self-pay)