DD Message 2020-04-17

Text of Email sent to President & Vice President of Education of D6 Clubs on 4-Apr-2020

Dear Club Vice President of Education 

Hope you are doing well and staying safe and healthy during the strange times. Please accept my note of gratitude for doing your best to support your fellow members. Its not easy to lead a club in these trying times, so I am grateful for your service to fellow toastmasters.

The purpose of my email is to share with you about the upcoming Spring conference and the importance of your particpation as member of District council. If you have already registered, please accept my note of thanks. 
Here are the topics that I wish to share:

  1. District Council: What happens
  2. District Council: Voting & Registration
  3. District Council: Proxy information
  4. Elections, candidates & voting
  5. Realignment
  6. Questions

1. District Council: What happens

The District Council is the governing body of the district. The District leaders includes all district leaders, club Presidents and club Vice Presidents of Education. The council conducts business of the district. So your role is essential and I hope you can participate for a better functioning of the district. This year due to Covid-19 pandemic, the spring conference will be held Virtually. A zoom link will be provided and you are welcome to join the meeting from the comfort of your home. Information about our district council / business meeting is available at the following page: https://archive.d6tm.org/2020-district-6-conference-business-meeting/

2.  District Council: Voting & Registration

Each member has a vote and thus are able to share the concerns on behalf of your club members. This year we will be taking votes on several decisions. All clubs that are in good standing as of May 8, 2020 are eligible to vote at the district council. We have simplified the registration process by having 1 registration for the conference that includes District council/business meeting. Here is the link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-district-6-toastmasters-virtual-conference-tickets-101591175942Please do register even though your club may be working on getting the minimum dues in to Toastmasters. Voting link will be sent during the district council meeting. Each registration gets a unique vote. 

3. District Council: Proxy information

According to the bylaws of Toastmasters International, Proxy is not allowed for virtual meetings. If your club was planning on voting by Proxy: I am sorry for incovenience caused here. I would be honored if you can set asied some time to join us for the virtual district council/business meeting. 

4. Elections, candidates & voting

Its time for electing your leaders for 2020-21 Toastmaster year. Unlike other years, you would get to meet the candidates individually, this year, we have created a candidate corner in the following page: https://archive.d6tm.org/2020-district-6-conference-business-meeting/ You are also welcome to visit the candidates nominated by District Leadership committee: https://archive.d6tm.org/district-6-2020-2021-candidates/Floor candidates are invited for several positions listed on the web page above. If you know of someone who is interested in running, please ask them to contact me (Ravi Rai, District Director) by May 2. Acceptance of applications close 7 days before the District Council meeting. If there are contested races, you will have an opportunity to listen from the candidates and then vote.

5. Realignment

To help the district function, every year the clubs in District 6 are realigned for better management. A proposed realignement is available on the business meeting page: https://archive.d6tm.org/2020-district-6-conference-business-meeting/ or you can check your club here: https://archive.d6tm.org/wp-content/uploads/D6-2020-2021-alignment-04272020.xlsx

6. Questions
When I was President of my club participating in District Council, I did not understand everything. Yup. I admit. But I asked lots of questions to get an understanding. I would encourage you to contact me with any question that you may have. Or please do reach out to any district leader/
Look forward to your company at District 6 VIrtual Council meeting, also called business meeting, on Saturday May 9 at 10:30 am.
Thank you, stay safe and stay healthy.

Ravi Rai

District 6 Director (2019-20)