
Moments of Truth

Click HERE Moments of Truth Incentive Winners!

The BEST Club Ever!

Do you want the best member experience for your club members?

Use the club self-evaluation tool, The Moments of Truth, and discover how your club can create the BEST club ever PLUS earn a lectern banner (or a $25 gift certificate to the TI store).

New! Download the Moments of Truth 6 week option (10 minutes/week)

Club with lectern banner

Evaluate 6 Critical Success Factors:

  1. First Impressions
  2. Membership Orientation
  3. Fellowship, Variety and Communication
  4. Program Planning and Meeting Organization
  5. Membership Strength
  6. Achievement Recognition

Moments of Truth Quality Incentive

(In addition to creating the BEST club ever!)

Lectern Banner

Earn a Lectern Banner (or a $25 gift certificate to the TI store), plus  recognition in our February Newsletter, by doing the following:

  1. Complete The Moments of Truth by 12/31/2015
  1. Send the following to Program Quality Director, Diane Windingland, by 1/15/2016:
    •  A 1-2 page summary of your findings and plan of action for quality improvement in the 6 critical success factors (you can use your own format or use this editable Moments of Truth Summary Document)
    • Which incentive reward your club wants: The lectern banner or a $25 TI gift certificate
    • The mailing address for your reward (will be mailed in late January/early February)
Speak N Eagan Toastmasters
Speak N Eagan Toastmasters Club

Example: Speak N Eagan MOT Summary 

Speak N Eagan Toastmasters Club began their Moments of Truth journey with sending members a Survey Monkey Survey (you can make free surveys to send out to up to 100 people, with a limit of 10 questions). They took the Moments of Truth’s 6 points to create the survey. Click HERE to check out their survey.

The Moments of Truth program can be downloaded as a free digital file at Toastmasters.org.  The program takes 60-90 minutes, but easily can  be spread out over 6 weeks (download MOT 6 week option), taking one success factor each week. As part of the successful club series, the facilitator will receive credit toward ACS or ALB requirements.

Moments of Truth Incentive Flyer to download

Is your club a low-member club? Keep it Simple – Moments of Truth Handout–pick two or three items to do well to start!